I hosted a VROC 17 lap Glen race today at about 1:00pm EST. I don't
recall all the drivers that were in the race but there were at least 6
or 7 of us.
During practice everything seemed fine from my prospective. However,
When the green flag dropped..
I had pole and was on my second lap coming into the kink just before Big
Bend. BAM. There's a lotus sitting against the guard rail facing
counter race. At first I didn't think anything of it other then maybe
that driver spun and I found him at the wrong place. Shoot, cars spin
all the time. whoopee.
I figured I'd find out who it was and politely ask what happened.
So, I went to the replay to find the guys name. I cranked the replay
back a few feet and seen the other car driving a couple feet counter
race. I backed the replay up a few feet more just to see that he was
driving counter race ever since the entrance of the pits! "What the
heck was he thinking?". Still going back I seen that he did a "K" turn
in the track. It was overly obvious that he had every intention of
driving counter race just to take people out.
I talked to a couple that said that he was in other races and did
the same thing. So. It not a miss understanding of race rules but a
blatant attempt at smash up durby.
Drivers name was "M. RORIVE".
I don't get POed at people that crash others. I figure that it
could be either Warp, Driver error, or even the tail end of another
crash. This was definitely neither. He wanted to crash people.
I do have the replay (2 min.'s or 1.097K worth after t*** it
down) of the episode if you want it.
Mike Barlow
Mike Barlow of Barlow Racing?
MikeBa on the TEN network.
Member of R.O.R. 1999
Racing online with the help of......
Race Communications Association
Holodyne Engineering
Mystic Music
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