GP2 without CD-ROM

Jared Robinso

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Jared Robinso » Mon, 16 Sep 1996 04:00:00

Where can I dl the utility that allows GP2 to run without the CD-ROM?
JJ Robinson

David Portoles

GP2 without CD-ROM

by David Portoles » Fri, 20 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> Where can I dl the utility that allows GP2 to run without the CD-ROM?
> --
> JJ Robinson

It is available at many of the sites here

Lew Wiegan

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Lew Wiegan » Sun, 22 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> Where can I dl the utility that allows GP2 to run without the CD-ROM?
> --
> JJ Robinson

You'll find what you're looking for at:
Lew Wiegand

Rene van Lobbereg

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Rene van Lobbereg » Mon, 23 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> > Where can I dl the utility that allows GP2 to run without the CD-ROM?
> > --
> > JJ Robinson

> You'll find what you're looking for at:
> --
> Lew Wiegand

I wonder when he'll be coming by asking for an illegal copy of the manual
for his now running illegal copy of GP2.

 Dreammaster rules again

Windows.....brings you yesterdays speed today.

Troy Sorza

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Troy Sorza » Tue, 24 Sep 1996 04:00:00

I was just looking for the patch also.  I dont have a CD-Rom in my
office computer all the CD-roms are on the network.   I have tried
playing the cr-rom over the net but can't load my network drivers and
have enough ram to run the game.  So every night I steal the CD-Rom
from another computer to play GP2.   I know CD-Rom's are cheap but we
have bout 6 of them in the office seems like a real waste to buy
another CD-rom.  Dont assume everyone is a pirate.

Troy Sorzano

Gotta get a tagline [TTS net]

Rene van Lobbereg

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Rene van Lobbereg » Thu, 26 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> >I wonder when he'll be coming by asking for an illegal copy of the manual
> >for his now running illegal copy of GP2.

> I was just looking for the patch also.  I dont have a CD-Rom in my
> office computer all the CD-roms are on the network.   I have tried
> playing the cr-rom over the net but can't load my network drivers and
> have enough ram to run the game.  So every night I steal the CD-Rom
> from another computer to play GP2.   I know CD-Rom's are cheap but we
> have bout 6 of them in the office seems like a real waste to buy
> another CD-rom.  Dont assume everyone is a pirate.

> Troy Sorzano

> Troy
> -----------------------------
> Gotta get a tagline [TTS net]

Sorry, in such a case I agree (not that me agreeing will make a difference to any-
one :-) ).
But at the time I just got a couple of messages burned into my screen asking for
copies of the manual.
Sorry again.
 Dreammaster rules again

Windows.....brings you yesterdays speed today.
Rene van Lobbereg

GP2 without CD-ROM

by Rene van Lobbereg » Thu, 26 Sep 1996 04:00:00

> >I wonder when he'll be coming by asking for an illegal copy of the manual
> >for his now running illegal copy of GP2.

> I was just looking for the patch also.  I dont have a CD-Rom in my
> office computer all the CD-roms are on the network.   I have tried
> playing the cr-rom over the net but can't load my network drivers and
> have enough ram to run the game.  So every night I steal the CD-Rom
> from another computer to play GP2.   I know CD-Rom's are cheap but we
> have bout 6 of them in the office seems like a real waste to buy
> another CD-rom.  Dont assume everyone is a pirate.

> Troy Sorzano

> Troy
> -----------------------------
> Gotta get a tagline [TTS net]

Sorry, in such a case I agree (not that me agreeing or not will make a difference
to anyone :-) ).
But at the time I just got a couple of messages burned into my screen asking for
copies of the manual.
Sorry again.
 Dreammaster rules again

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