GP2 Crashing may be CD-ROM related


GP2 Crashing may be CD-ROM related

by Randy » Thu, 24 Apr 1997 04:00:00

I have a sanyo CD-ROM player, and have noticed intermitent system
crashes caused when the reader spins up during racing. The fix is to
eject the cd after the race starts, and re-insert only when prompted.


GP2 Crashing may be CD-ROM related

by M.P.Hew.. » Fri, 25 Apr 1997 04:00:00

>I have a sanyo CD-ROM player, and have noticed intermitent system
>crashes caused when the reader spins up during racing. The fix is to
>eject the cd after the race starts, and re-insert only when prompted.

What sort of crash was this. I have a problem with GP2 crashing but I
think it is the memory as it comes up with a message - Page Granular
Limit etcetc..

I have a BluePoint ICD300 IDE 2x CDROM

Peter Gag

GP2 Crashing may be CD-ROM related

by Peter Gag » Sun, 27 Apr 1997 04:00:00

Get the file which enables you to use GP2 without the cd,
this should cure the problem?


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