> Maybe RASCAR should be reincarnated to GTRascar? Or perhaps Rfascar?
> There are ovals for GTR now. I have a GTR server running that can
hold 12 - 14.
Plus LFS S2 - which might be a fun blast for drivers from RAS to meet up.
I've always liked the early "club" concept of RASCAR where it was a
place for drivers who participate in RAS to join up and have a chat and
a race online. I don't believe it should matter what the sim is, GTR one
time, LFS another, rFactor another as they become available. A good
opportunity to try out a sim, get some helpful advice and have some fun
side by side racing.
The concept is great but it does need some managing as not everybody get
along all of the time...
LFS S2 has that jump in and drive quality that might suit if anyone
fancies a RASCAR resurrection race some time soon.
That's a good idea Tony. I'm almost ready to take the LFS plunge. I
just got to figure out which option to pay for to get the full package.
I suppose LFS has a dedicated server option?
I wonder if a show of hands from interested RAS'ers would help move this
Richard "ZZ" Busch
Screamers Racing League
GT Rank +34.560
NGT Rank +37.765
GT Rank Monster +1163.777
GPL Rank + 14.768
MoGPL Rank + 308.654
N2003 Rank -18.8060
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward