> Now I know that one of the fundamental rules of racing tells us that wheel
> squeeling while going around corners et al is bad because it slows ya down
> and it adds premature wear on the tires... But I can't for the life of me
> get a setup sweet enough for the Louden track that will get me around
> those corners tight enough without squeeling! Anyone got a good setup for
> me to try? LMK...
> Steve
between gas stops. Here are a couple of things to try:
1. Make your right front shock setting WAY SOFT.
2. Back off a tick earlier than you feel you should entering the turns-
you'll save *** and build a faster exit speed.
This is the first track I encountered in the season where I had to
develop "trackside object" visual cues for entering the corners, since
the road dips downward into the corners. You can't really see the
surface in the turns until you're in them already.
God Bless,