which video card? there are a couple of utils out there that fix this
problem...look for refreshforce at 3drage.com if you have an ATI card, and
I'm sure there probably is a version of the same program for Nvidia users
as well.
dave henrie
mail replies to Uwe at schuerkamp dot de ( yahoo address is spambox)
Uwe Schuerkamp //////////////////////////// http://www.schuerkamp.de/
Herford, Germany \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (52.0N/8.5E)
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
> >All the newer nVidia drivers have a refresh rate override table for most
> >resolutions as long as you're using D3D.
> That works on all vid cards if you run dxdiag and go to the overrides
> tab. Omega drivers for ATI cards has refreshforce built in, I always
> liked using the freebie called Multires from www.entechtaiwan.com
> myself and this works for all video cards. I don't have to worry about
> it myslef anymore because I use an LCD monitor..
> >The dxdiag override function does not give you refresh rate control over
> >each resolution lke the nVidia advanced display properties do
> Um, you set it to 85hz and it plays all D3D games at 85hz at all
> resolutions. But no, it doesn't allow you to set custom refresh rates
> for each res if that is what you mean. But why would you want to
> anyway? Just set them all to 85hz and be done with it.
SO your are correct that is what I meant. Its just a little bit more
advanced than all resolutions being forced to the same refresh rate. Of
course none of that helps since I use OpenGL for all games that support it.
> > My last time on the OT Express for a long time after this one :)
> > Got my new rig up and running. It's great to be able to twist up the
> > eye
> > candy a pile in NR2003. But the eye-watering 60hz refresh rate in
> > desktop is killing me. I'm new to XP, and thought i remember a problem
> > with this back in the day. Thanks in advance again.
> > P.S. Any good sites for tuning up or leaning out XP Home for better
> > graphic
> > performance ?
> which video card? there are a couple of utils out there that fix this
> problem...look for refreshforce at 3drage.com if you have an ATI card, and
> I'm sure there probably is a version of the same program for Nvidia users
> as well.
> dave henrie