Anyone got the GP500 Wheel ? - The one that costs about 250 - 300 quid.
Is it any good ? - Is it worth the price tag ?
I would be using it for GP2 if I decide to get one.
Comments good and bad appreciated.
Anyone got the GP500 Wheel ? - The one that costs about 250 - 300 quid.
Is it any good ? - Is it worth the price tag ?
I would be using it for GP2 if I decide to get one.
Comments good and bad appreciated.
:Anyone got the GP500 Wheel ? - The one that costs about 250 - 300 quid.
:Is it any good ? - Is it worth the price tag ?
:I would be using it for GP2 if I decide to get one.
:Comments good and bad appreciated.
Uh, if you've tried the Thrustmaster 'plastic-shit' and you try the Gp500 -
you'll know which one to buy ...
* Michel de Rooij
: :Anyone got the GP500 Wheel ? - The one that costs about 250 - 300 quid.
: :Is it any good ? - Is it worth the price tag ?
: :I would be using it for GP2 if I decide to get one.
: :Comments good and bad appreciated.
: :
Build one! (or get a friend to build one for you :-)
Check out Wally's world of wheels on my web page!
: Uh, if you've tried the Thrustmaster 'plastic-shit' and you try the Gp500 -
: you'll know which one to buy ...
So you don't think much of the Thrustmaster as well :-)
* Neil Jowsey Computing Services (Brownlow Hill) *
* PO Box 147, Liverpool *
* Voice +44 151-794-4582 L69 3BX *
* Fax +44 151-794-4442 UK *
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{ The views expressed here are not necessarily those of the University }
{ or me come to that. Alright! }
The GP500, (its now known as the F1 Sim) is one of the best Wheel and
pedal combo's out there.
Well worth the money if you can afford it, i can't, I'm still saving, But
I have used a GP500 and they are the proverbial Dogs b*ll*cks, The build
quality and its "feel" set it apart from all the others.
**Peter** #:?)
>: :Anyone got the GP500 Wheel ? - The one that costs about 250 - 300 quid.
>: :Is it any good ? - Is it worth the price tag ?
>: :I would be using it for GP2 if I decide to get one.
>: :Comments good and bad appreciated