Setting GP2 up for a T2

André de Bo

Setting GP2 up for a T2

by AndrĂ© de Bo » Sat, 27 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Hi there,

This is how to setup GP2 for using a T2.
First copy the file T2.con from the cd-rom, in the directory gpfiles,
to the directory gpsaves in the gp2 directory on your harddisk.

Then start the sim up. Select Control method and select advanced. Then
select load control method and om the menu you'll see the T2.CON file.
Select that file and then reply twice OK.

The T2 is ready and working. Shifting up is pushing the shifter, down
is pulling. But you can alter that.

In the pits, the gas pedal is for going up in the menu, the brake for
going down. Select an option , let's say fuel. Shift and you'll see
the fuel menu. By turning the steering wheel you can adjust the amount
off fuel. When you have enough fuel , shift down for leaving the fuel
menu. shift down again and you're ready to leave the pits.

Good luck for all you T2 users. It works sooooo much better than a
joystick .


David Bainbridg

Setting GP2 up for a T2

by David Bainbridg » Sun, 28 Jul 1996 04:00:00

Thanks for the post. I just got GP2 and setup yesterday. Plugged along
enough to get my T2 working for racing but did not know it did all this!

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