>Can anyone help me, please?
>When I play GP2 through a serial link, connecting a Pentium 7
>8 mb with a Pentium 90 24 mb, the game hangs all the time for
>just a couple of seconds. It is very irritating and it
>makes it impossible to do races against each other (in
>practice it doesn't hang).
>Does anyone know what causes the problem and what the
>solution is?
I have linked a P90 (8MB) and a P100 (16MB) via null modem. In my
experience, the slower machine determines the game speed. This means
the time will slow down (since GP2 does not leave out frames) as soon
as the slower machine can't keep up anymore. I haven't experienced
exactly the problem you are describing, but here are a few
- Supply as much conventional memory as possible on both machines.
Basically, the only TSR you need is the CD-ROM driver.
- Start the game with the option "use16550", provided both computers
have FIFO chips installed. You can check this with MSD, an utility
provided with MS-DOS or Win3.x (not sure about Win95).
- In the connection menue, select 19200 as speed for the link. (Lower
values are to slow, faster ones may be unreliable.)
- When connected, go to the graphics options menue and change the
frame rate. Notice how it looks different from the stand-alone
version: Now, the display says something like "Suggested framerate
for this machine: 21.7 For remote machine: 17.0". Now comes the ugly
part: If your numbers look like the ones in my example, you have to
choose *not*more*than* 15 FPS, i.e. at least two FPS less than the
slower machine. Better choose 14 FPS.
If all this accomplishes nothing, it is possible that a) one of the
COM ports does not work properly, or b) your null modem cable is
defective. Make sure the cable does not run parallel and very close to
power chords - I think this can cause transmission errors (could be
superstition, though... :)
HTH [posted and mailed]
We're in a road movie to Berlin
Can't drive out the way we drove in