Hi there,
When playing the 40-year mode of GPM, after the first year and getting the sponsorship
deals fixed up, my team keeps on making a $million bucks a race. I just can't figure out
what you can do with all that cash. Already, I've got all facilities, a humongous
engineering staff and go round stealing bits from other teams (Benetton) before every
race. But the money keeps on coming in. It all seems to be getting rather pointless.
After 3.5 seasons, I think there's about $40million in the bank. Any of you vetrans out
there know if things can possibly take a turn for the worse?
Another problem : what do you do with all those `trick' parts you steal from other
teams. If you use all those goodies, the engineer tells you your car is overweight. From
my experience; in my third season, it would seem that running the car with all the basic
bits and no aids would reduce lap times by a couple of secs. Those bits help in the
first season or so though. What gives? And though the car's equipment is steadily
improving, on-track performance seems to deteriorate with improving spec. level
I haven't seem much discussion of GPM in either this or the pc.games.sports group. Has
this game been condemned to all your trash bins. I hope somebody can contribute some
input on introducing an element of challenge into this sim. It was great for the FI
novelty factor earlier on, but it seems to be developing into a yawn now. Like
everybody, I'm playing this while anticipating GPII.
By the way, I remember reading some time back that another publisher had plans for a GP
manager game. This was at the time of GPM's release. It was to have on-track racing
views etc. Any news on it?
Hope to hear from somebody,
Stanley Chan