with the flight sim crowd, but haven't heard of sim drivers using it. A
local discount shop has a couple for 20, I searched the web and they seem
to seem to be around 100. Any thoughts?
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I was thinking of getting one of these, but was put off by having to
get it shipped from the states.
Could you let me know a little about this shop so that I can contact
them myself.
To respond to your question, I haven't seen much about this device in
this ng, however, what I have seen has been very positive. I recall
someone saying that this is the best 'bang per buck' immersion device
you can buy.
I have seen them priced from $20-$35 but never as high as 100.
(remove NOSPAM to reply)
> > They work great with GPL. Highly recommended. Hyperstim units use a
> > deconstructed interactor vest as their rumble device.
> > Bye,
> > Ian
> -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/ The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
> ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers
> > They work great with GPL. Highly recommended. Hyperstim units use a
> > deconstructed interactor vest as their rumble device.
> > Bye,
> > Ian
> -----------== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News
> http://www.racesimcentral.net/ The Largest Usenet Servers in the World!
> ------== Over 73,000 Newsgroups - Including Dedicated Binaries Servers
> Cheers
> >At any rate, the Aura Interactor is one gem that I recommend you
> >yourself to -- it's MUCH cheaper than a Force Feedback wheel, and it
> >adds to the experience.
> Drool ... Anyone know if this is available in/to Finland? I found a
store in
> NL that had it but wouldn't ship outside NL. A web store that ships
> perhaps?
Tell him John Bodin sent you, and I'm sure he'll do what he can to work
something out.
-- JB
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
So let me get this straight: it works in CONJUNCTION with your
speakers? I just bought a Montego A3D sound card ($50!! + a $30
rebate) and a Creative Labs FPS2000 4-speaker set that I'm NOT gonna
part with.
I'm also concerned that I have a VERY comfortable chair: will
this be uncomfortable to sit in for long periods?
Is this the item that had been on ebay quite a while back?
Has anyone had one for a LONG time (at least 6 months)? How does it
hold up over time?
By NL do you mean The Netherlands ?
If so, could you please forward the URL of the store,
so I can get one :-)
Yep. If I'm right, the FPS2000s are the digital 4PS speakers. If the Montego
has a digital output, and you use it, you'd need to know if the analogue
outputs are active at the same time as the digital one. The Interactor has a
passthrough setup for a jackplug. If you use the analogue outputs, I would
guess connecting the Interactor to the front channel would be best
(providing the FPS2000s are the same setupe as the normal 4PS speakers, with
F and R jackplugs) as the necessary bass frequencies might not come through
the rear channel. The passthrough unit incorporates a crossover that has two
settings, Music and Game, plus some dialy controls to set it up with.
The cushion only rests against your back, you don't sit on it. (I guess you
could, but that's not what the piccies show).
A while back (when I got a subwoofer) I messed around with the Hit_Hard and
Grass .wavs in Soundforge to add loads of bass, enough to shake the room
about. If anyone's interested I can post these. I imagine they'd work pretty
well with the Interactor.
>>It's the best 50bucks (Australian) I've ever spent on my 'puter. It works
>>better in GPL than any other sim/game I've tried. Andrew.
> So let me get this straight: it works in CONJUNCTION with your
>speakers? I just bought a Montego A3D sound card ($50!! + a $30
>rebate) and a Creative Labs FPS2000 4-speaker set that I'm NOT gonna
>part with.
> I'm also concerned that I have a VERY comfortable chair: will
>this be uncomfortable to sit in for long periods?
> Is this the item that had been on ebay quite a while back?
>Has anyone had one for a LONG time (at least 6 months)? How does it
>hold up over time?