Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)


Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by robswindell » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
months experience now, of the sim.

Kyalami   1m21s54
{Comment="Very pleased with this time, probably not alot more to gain."

Mexico City  1m50s57
{Comment="I'm sure I can get into the 49's here."

Monaco   1m30s03
{Comment="Very tricky circuit - I seem to go faster everytime I hit this
track. Looking for a low 29 before I'm really satisfied."

Monza   1m29s02
{Comment="Nothing left here, I'm sure. Maybe a high 28 in the right
conditions (ie slipstream :)."

Silverstone  1m31s24
{Comment="I'm really not comfortable here. More practice should get me a

Spa   3m23s25
{Comment="Not happy here either. I've done a 3m19 in the Eagle and I'm
sure the Lotus isn't that much slower. I will aim to shave at least 2
seconds off this laptime."

Watkins Glen  1m06s61
{Comment="This is a good time. Should be able to improve slightly. A
1m05 is possibly a bit too far away. Won't stop me trying, I love this
track :)"

Zandvoort  1m27s31
{Comment="My favourite track in GPL - though it might become 2nd to
Osterrichring in the not-too-distant future! I seem to improve here all
the time. I think I can get into the 26s."

Have I earned the title of 'Dances with Lotus' yet?? :)

Rob Swindells
"Add life to your days, not days to your life."
"The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
"Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."

Liutger Franze

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Liutger Franze » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

a 1:05 should be easy with the lotus - my PB in the brabham is a 1:06.06
and I know I could do a 1:05 ... *sigh*

should be no big problem: zandvoort is THE track where you get faster if
you try to go slower: I did my PB of 1:27.25 in the brabham on a very
slow lap ;-)

hm - where are your times for mosport, rouen and the ring? ;-)
ok, I still struggle with the magic 2 minutes barrier at rouen and the 9
minutes at the ring, but one day ...



Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Stev » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

It's great to see somebody else's time on all these tracks,
my times are almost indentical on the same tracks. The
only difference is i drive the eagle not the lotus and i also
use the default settings. Not too great at mexico but i don't
like that track as much so i don't race there as often, and
I'm still trying to beat the 2.00 minute at rouen. (2.01 for now)
I hope these times are on par with other people with these
setups because when I'm on vroc i get passed alot and i
was thinking it might be time to look into something more
in common with my driving style. My favorite track is zandvoort
also but throwing that eagle around there is something, the
only thing i can compare it with is trying to play baseball
with a soccer ball, the eagle is not what you would say nimble
compared to the lotus or some of the others.
I would love to see more peoples times with the default
setups so somebody like me can compare how fast or slow
I am.
Thanks Steve!

> Jarno,

> I'm glad you asked that :o) I get a thrill out of knowing that any
> in time have come purely from myself, my driving. I like to look at my
> and analyse my lines through corners. Doing this can improve me as a (sim)
> driver, all round. I was talking to Andy Priaulx who spent many hours last
> lapping the circuit at Silverstone just trying to take tenths of seconds
> his laptimes. He says it helped him and I won't argue with that - he won
> round of the British Renault Spider Championship last year and will this
> be stepping into Jensen Button's British F3 championship ride with the
> Promatecme team.

> I don't think I'll ever make changes to the setups. Apparently Jim Clark
> didn't, so why should I? :) For me driving these cars is about just that,
> DRIVING; no science or maths, just the search for excellence, lap after
> I'm a long way off, but it's an incredible goal to reach for. I don't
> giving up for a long time. GPL has totally sucked me in!

> That's a good thing, honest! :)

> > > Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
> > > Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
> > > months experience now, of the sim.

> > i have 1 question : Why do you use the default setups ?
> > Are they really good or do you think the time needed for
> > a setup
> > is better used playing gpl :))

> > Cya,
> > Jarno

> --
> Rob Swindells
> "Add life to your days, not days to your life."
> "The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
> "Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
> "I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."


Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Aubre » Sat, 05 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I think that 3:19 in the Eagle at Spa demonstrates that you have a lot more
talent than those default Lotus setups are allowing you to show.  That's a
very respectable time.  Go to, and download some of Greger
Huttu's setups and I bet you'll suprise yourself!


>Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
>Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
>months experience now, of the sim.

>Kyalami   1m21s54
>{Comment="Very pleased with this time, probably not alot more to gain."

>Mexico City  1m50s57
>{Comment="I'm sure I can get into the 49's here."

>Monaco   1m30s03
>{Comment="Very tricky circuit - I seem to go faster everytime I hit this
>track. Looking for a low 29 before I'm really satisfied."

>Monza   1m29s02
>{Comment="Nothing left here, I'm sure. Maybe a high 28 in the right
>conditions (ie slipstream :)."

>Silverstone  1m31s24
>{Comment="I'm really not comfortable here. More practice should get me a

>Spa   3m23s25
>{Comment="Not happy here either. I've done a 3m19 in the Eagle and I'm
>sure the Lotus isn't that much slower. I will aim to shave at least 2
>seconds off this laptime."

>Watkins Glen  1m06s61
>{Comment="This is a good time. Should be able to improve slightly. A
>1m05 is possibly a bit too far away. Won't stop me trying, I love this
>track :)"

>Zandvoort  1m27s31
>{Comment="My favourite track in GPL - though it might become 2nd to
>Osterrichring in the not-too-distant future! I seem to improve here all
>the time. I think I can get into the 26s."

>Have I earned the title of 'Dances with Lotus' yet?? :)

>Rob Swindells
>"Add life to your days, not days to your life."
>"The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
>"Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
>"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."


Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Switc » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

> Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
> Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
> months experience now, of the sim.

i have 1 question : Why do you use the default setups ?
Are they really good or do you think the time needed for downloading/making
a setup
is better used playing gpl :))



Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by robswindell » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00


I'm glad you asked that :o) I get a thrill out of knowing that any improvement
in time have come purely from myself, my driving. I like to look at my replays
and analyse my lines through corners. Doing this can improve me as a (sim)
driver, all round. I was talking to Andy Priaulx who spent many hours last year
lapping the circuit at Silverstone just trying to take tenths of seconds from
his laptimes. He says it helped him and I won't argue with that - he won every
round of the British Renault Spider Championship last year and will this season
be stepping into Jensen Button's British F3 championship ride with the crack
Promatecme team.

I don't think I'll ever make changes to the setups. Apparently Jim Clark
didn't, so why should I? :) For me driving these cars is about just that,
DRIVING; no science or maths, just the search for excellence, lap after lap.
I'm a long way off, but it's an incredible goal to reach for. I don't intend
giving up for a long time. GPL has totally sucked me in!

That's a good thing, honest! :)

> > Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
> > Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
> > months experience now, of the sim.

> i have 1 question : Why do you use the default setups ?
> Are they really good or do you think the time needed for downloading/making
> a setup
> is better used playing gpl :))

> Cya,
> Jarno

Rob Swindells
"Add life to your days, not days to your life."
"The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
"Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Rikanthr » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I don't think I'll ever make changes to the setups. Apparently Jim Clark
didn't, so why should I? :) For me driving these cars is about just that,
LOL! funny logic!  your not serious.

Rik Anthrax
"trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"

Matthew Birger Knutse

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Matthew Birger Knutse » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Rob said a bit more, and this..

Rob, your major problem is that you drive in real life too!
I'm not sure about this, but I approach GPL in the same way as I do real
racecars; I just cannot switch to a "hotlap" mode. No overrevving,
full-thottle shifting etc, and I keep going too slowly into bends to find
the speed out. I'm just amazed at what Greger, Wolfgang and all the others
do. Incredible. I'd love to see them try their stuff in a Formula Ford, they
would be Quick, I'm sure! But if they really did some Formula cars, I hope
their GPL hotlaps would get worse...(hehehe!)

Or, maybe my big prob is that I have changed way too many crushed dog-rings,
gears, taped up destroyed panels and knockedout fenders. Not to mention
gathering up pieces of conrods, pistons and bearings from all over the place



Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by robswindell » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Heh, funny you should say that... I regularly find myself in the top 5 in an
online race. I sometimes even lead! Unfortunately I'm friends with people
like Achim Trensz and usually get blown away by these guys... Maybe I'll see
you there tonight?? :))

I'll be Rob_Swindells, Rob_LOT or something similar...

> Try driving online if you think you're hooked now....
> But default setups don't cut it there.

Rob Swindells
"Add life to your days, not days to your life."
"The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
"Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by robswindell » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00


> I don't think I'll ever make changes to the setups. Apparently Jim Clark
> didn't, so why should I? :) For me driving these cars is about just that,

> LOL! funny logic!  your not serious.

> Rik Anthrax
>            -
>      -
> "trust the government?? what are you, some kind of moron?"

Rob Swindells
"Add life to your days, not days to your life."
"The greatest substitute for talent is hard work."
"Doing it, is better than watching it, is better than simulating it."
"I may not be perfect, but parts of me are excellent."
Prepare Racin

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Prepare Racin » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

Try driving online if you think you're hooked now....
But default setups don't cut it there.

For me driving these cars is about just that,

Marc Collin

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by Marc Collin » Sun, 06 Feb 2000 04:00:00

I am afraid that this is my biggest problem as well.  My lap times are not
the best by a long shot, but in thousands of laps of GPL, I have only blown
an engine once...and that was half a click from the pits on the first test
lap in a Ferrari, so something random was happening.  It scared the shit out
of me, though as it was totally unexpected.  It actually scared me,
though...I am way to sympathetic to the machinery!!  I need to keep telling
myself, it's only 1's and 0's!!!


David Goodw

Now then, now then, how about that then? (GPL)

by David Goodw » Mon, 07 Feb 2000 04:00:00

>Do these impress you? :o) They're the 'All Time' Lotus records of Rob
>Swindells set with the default setups in GPL v1.2.0.0. I have about 14
>months experience now, of the sim.

>Kyalami   1m21s54
>{Comment="Very pleased with this time, probably not alot more to gain."

1:20.86 2nd gear lenghened 1 click

1:47.52 but with major gear changes

1:27.67 but I lengthened 4th gear by one click

I've managed default 1:28.49 without speed shifting...
1:28.33 with speed shifting

1:28.07 with major gear changes

default 1:05.31 here

1:25.68 with big gear changes

default Rouen 1:58.10

Note that the ring 1.2 default gearing has a
top speed much lower than the original default.

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