add the following to all of your track .txt's IT WORKS
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1000000000 65536 100000 93592
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 65536 100000 45888
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1000000000 65536 100000 93592
add the following to all of your track .txt's IT WORKS
MIRRL 0 0 8000 -1000000000 65536 100000 93592
MIRRC 0 0 8000 0 65536 100000 45888
MIRRR 0 0 8000 1000000000 65536 100000 93592
> add the following to all of your track .txt's IT WORKS
> (code deleted)
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