SCGT Demo Hacks

Ben Farnema

SCGT Demo Hacks

by Ben Farnema » Mon, 17 May 1999 04:00:00

Earlier on this NG, I read about some cheats and hacks for unlocking a full
field of opponents, etc.  Now that I finally got around to downloading the
demo, I can't find any info about it.  Any help would be nice to get me by
until I can get the funding approved (budget - wife - etc.) for the full

Thanks in advance,
 - Ben Farneman

Adam Zerli

SCGT Demo Hacks

by Adam Zerli » Mon, 17 May 1999 04:00:00

You can head over to spcargt.sports-***.com to the downloads seciton.
there will be some files with (DEMO) next to it.  That indicates that its
for the demo version.

Adam Zerlin***.com
The Inside Line

>Earlier on this NG, I read about some cheats and hacks for unlocking a full
>field of opponents, etc.  Now that I finally got around to downloading the
>demo, I can't find any info about it.  Any help would be nice to get me by
>until I can get the funding approved (budget - wife - etc.) for the full

>Thanks in advance,
> - Ben Farneman
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