My $39.95 program does everything this one does:
Price? $265. Actually, mine does quite a bit more because it's got an engine
simulation built in to it that could easily cost another $200 if it was spruced
up a bit :-)
Another comparable program sells for $69, so personally, I think I'm offering
quite a bargain. Folks can get a disk like you describe for an extra $6 (which
still leaves me well under typical prices for this type of program), but so far
I've had no takers. They all prefer the cheaper direct download with no
package. Why someone would want to wait a few days to get their software is
beyond me. On the other hand, there are people that want to pay more just to
get the pretty box :-)
Unfortunately, there are quite a few peole still stuck in this frame of mind
where file size means something. The fact of the matter is that the compiler I
use makes unusually small files, as it doesn't include all the garbage that
does not get used at all when compiling with Visual Basic or MSVC++. It's an
efficient compiler, so you get really small files.
A simple VB or MSVC program that does nothing but open a window and say
"HOWDY!" can run over a Megabyte. In my compiler, it's probably about .01Mb,
but the program is identical.
In fact, to help us out, the creators of the compiler actually included a new
keyword in their latest release that you can put at the beginning of your code.
I kid you not:
This basically takes a whole slew of functions and so forth that your program
will never use and adds them into your source code (Visual Basic and MSVC++
style) in order to artificially inflate the file size by a couple of megabytes
:-D It's sole purpose is to dupe people that think along the lines you think
into believing they're getting more for their money. The reality is all you're
getting is a bigger, less efficient file, that now requires a CD instead of one
little floppy, or takes longer to download.
Perhaps I should try it as an experiment and see if sales increase. That'd
really crack me up if it did :-) Downloads take 4 times as long so folks think
they're getting something more...
Ah well...
Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction
My little car sim screenshots: