It showed up within 24 hours of this person's purchase (and I don't get very
many sales, quite frankly, so it's not too tough to come to a reasonable
conclusion there), but I don't know that I can prove it just yet.
It was a high school kid, so that might be a fruitless thing to do.
My thoughts exactly. Unfortunately, I already sent a rather demanding letter
to the hosting site and a couple of their affiliates. I do have the email
address of the guy that posted the links originally and have been writing him.
Of course he want me to leave him alone and says he doesn't do such things.
Funny thing is, I wrote several of these people and this guy claims to have
received three emails from me on the subject (I only sent him one), so it looks
like a couple of the others I sent got forwarded to him. So I do have a
smoking gun, but I'm not sure if it's the original purchaser or not.
I rue the day this free link shows up on a simple Google search.
Todd Wasson
Performance Simulations
Drag Racing and Top Speed Prediction
My little car sim screenshots: