FYI, I never got a chance to talk wiht Montoya. The IMS Media Tour had
scheduled an early-afternoon session at Ganassi's race shop on the
first day of the Media Tour. Due to weather problems, the schedule was
shuffled and the Montoya/Vasser/Ganassi spot was moved up to a morning
timeslot. It was a rainy day, and the teams didn't think they would be
getting in any track time, so Montoya and Vasser simply left town early
-- which meant that they ditched the entire media tour without so much
as an apology. We completely bypassed Ganassis shop, in fact, and just
spent extra time on other stops of the tour.
To add insult to injury, the track did end up drying out, and some
teams did get in track time -- but not Ganassi.
In my opinion, Target lost out on this one, as did CART. I hesitate to
say that Montoya, Vasser, and Ganassi were rude, because there may have
been other circumstances, but when you've got an opportunity to have a
large group of media members basically in your thrall for an hour or
so, it's foolish not to take advantage of it. Lots of good stories
came out of the media tour -- I've seen at least 5 stories on Sarah
Fisher that I KNOW were either a direct or indirect result of her
appearance on the Media tour when we hit Derrick Walker's shop, and you
cna bet that Target, Montoya, Vasser, and Ganassi would have garnered
AT LEAST that much attention.
So, anyway, this is why I did not get to talk with Montoya -- and now
you know the REST of the story . . .
-- JB
> I may have a chance to talk with Juan Montoya next week. Since he's
> avid sim racer, I hope to talk with him about that, at least (and
> some CART-IRL stuff, too, just for good measure), but if any of you
> have any specific sim questions you'd like to have me ask Montoya, let
> me know and I'll see what I can do.
> -- John Bodin
> Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
> Sent via
> Before you buy.
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Before you buy.