> I may have a chance to talk with Juan Montoya next week. Since he's an
> avid sim racer, I hope to talk with him about that, at least (and maybe
> some CART-IRL stuff, too, just for good measure), but if any of you
> have any specific sim questions you'd like to have me ask Montoya, let
> me know and I'll see what I can do.
> -- John Bodin
> Publisher, The IRL Insider Magazine
> http://irlinsider.adnetweb.com/
> Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
> Before you buy.
The first question would be, of course, which sims he drives and which
one is closest to the real racing experience?
How does he in his own opinion compare to other sim racers?
Which sensation he misses most when driving a sim?
How much does racing in real life help being good in a sim (the opposite
of what we usually ask)?
Does driving a sim teach him any bad habits with respect to the real
Did he ever try to get revenge at a certain opponent after a real life
race by crashing into him in a sim?