Worked first time. Personally, I don't mind the "Geoff Crammond style"
controller calibration, but the "Papyrus style" is quicker, so it would be
nice. Allowing control axis to reside on more than on controller (i.e. wheel
on controller 1 and gas/brake on controller 2 or vise versa) would be good
for the 3rd party/homespun pedal and***pit users as well.
Well, considering I'm driving a high powered car with nothing in the way of
suspension in a world which is absolutely flat, has one single grip level
regardless of surface and where weight transfer doesn't occur, as far as I
can tell, without the benifit(?) of force feedback, I'd say it's pretty
good. Driving from the chase cam it seemed as though the sliding tyre didn't
have enough "bite", but in***pit view it "feels" ok.
Is aero/rolling/mechanical drag supposed to be implemented? -Because it
coasts *extremely* well, especially in gear, but also in neutral.
Don't mention it. Looking forward to seeing you taking it forward. If I may
be as bold to make a suggestion... how about making the next test stage
(when you get weight transfer and pitch/roll done) into a kart sim? -Still
no real suspension/clutch/diff to worry about and you could get some
meaningfull feedback on how it "feels" (even without FF) from those who kart
regularly. Put it this way: with the possible exception of Tom Pabst, nobody
here has ever driven a Le Mans Prototype, with or without suspension, while
most will have driven karts. And, if I may drop my benign facade for a sec,
I hold karts would suit your size track better as well. <g>