TrippBros. Racing
2 weeks ago I scrubbed it and went back to XP.
It's not that I didn't like Vista. I did. I wanted to keep it. The
problem is hardware and software compatibility.
I got tired of my higher-end hardware running in half-ass mode. I paid good
money for high performance parts, and I want them to run at thier full
I also had some software compatibility issues that I needed to get rid of.
When SP1 comes out we'll try again.
I am not convinced that Audio will ever be right again. Microsoft really
screwed EVERYONE when they pulled DX Audio from Vista. The likes of
Creative are doing the best they can, but they had an entire architecture
pulled out from underneath them.
> Mike
> mls67
> TrippBros. Racing
IMHO (and others, it seems) Microsoft has not met it's promise with the
delivery of Ultimate Extra's that were to be selective to this version of
the OS.
I actually feel embarrased that I paid for this version. I should have gone
with Premium instead.
Unless you MUST have the backup software (which can be replaced with Acronis
for $49, and it's tons better), or the few Ultimate and Business version
specific networking features (which almost no home user needs), then don't
waste so much money on Ultimate.
Check the comparison chart carefully. I bet you could do with premium just
Don't even consider Ultimate for the Extra's. Ultimate Extra's is a
Ghost-Town. There are rumors the team has even been dis-banded.
I ran 98SE just fine until GTR (online9 broke it and plan to do the same
with my copy of XP (anything remotely productive runs on my Linux
machine, anyway).
All the best, uwe
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
> I am not convinced that Audio will ever be right again. Microsoft really
> screwed EVERYONE when they pulled DX Audio from Vista. The likes of
> Creative are doing the best they can, but they had an entire architecture
> pulled out from underneath them.
Cheers, uwe
GPG Fingerprint: 2E 13 20 22 9A 3F 63 7F 67 6F E9 B1 A8 36 A4 61
All you would need is some help/information on what to do with some hard
drive partitioning tools... I like Acronis 10.x for this purpose. Do some
googling on the best way to dual boot because it is POSSIBLE to install XP
onto a Vista PC, it just is more details to work out.
But even easier, is My absolute favorite way to Dual boot: is a 2 Hard
drives in one of those swappable drive holders. I got mine from Newegg.
Keeps the missus & the kids from screwing up the *** OS. when I go to
game I shut off the PC, swap the trays out, turn on and game. we shut off
the PC at night anywho, so when I get done I just wait and swap the drive
when power finally goes off (after shut down). easy enough to swap drives
that my honey can do it, if I forget (she knows that if her user doesnt show
up, means wrong HD in tray. shut off restart after swapping the drive and
off she goes to email...
Right now though we're just dual booting one HD, fwiw.
shpankey enlightened us with:
>> I have a copy just sitting around. I was going to install it, but
>> decided to wait until the bugs are worked out.
>I am not convinced that Audio will ever be right again. Microsoft really
>screwed EVERYONE when they pulled DX Audio from Vista. The likes of
>Creative are doing the best they can, but they had an entire architecture
>pulled out from underneath them.