> I had just purchsed GP2 today and ran it on my custome built Pentium 90
> with 16MB of EDO ram and an ATI Mach64 with 2MB VRAM. Initially I wanted to
> upgrade to a P166 because I had some doubts about running it in svga after
> hearing so many people having slow frame rates even with a P133 but after
> fooling around with the detail settings I was satisfied with running it at
> 15 fps with medium detail and only sky and banks turned off. I also limited
> the mirror details to track, curb, and verges. With this setting, all the
> tracks including Monaco was quite playable even with the processor
> occupancy at 120-160%. I was very surprised at how nice it ran at Monaco
> without changing the detail setting. 15 fps might sound low for some people
> but believe me it's definitely playable. I also tried it on my friend's
> Dell P90 with 16MB and 2MB VRAM and had similar results. So for the people
> worring about slow frame rates, my advice to you is to go buy the game
> because of your love for racing and not be deterred simply becaue you can't
> run it at 30 fps with all details on. Everyone is got a different setup so
> just because it runs too slow on their machine doesn't necessarily mean
> that it will run just as slow on yours. I am truely satisfied with the
> game, its definitely worth the wait. Way to go Jeoff Grammond!!!!!!!!
> Enjoy the endless hours of fun with this game, you'll love it.
set it at 50% if you want to look at your replays. So get the 166.