> writes:
> >> >So was N3 last week at Office Max. LOL
> >> WHAT?!? Son of a...
> >> I just spent $39.99 at Best Buy. It was actually mis-marked, because it
> >came
> >> up on the register as $49.99. I complained, and got it for the marked
> >price...
> >> ...and STILL paid $20 too much...? <sigh>
> >Hehe. Tell ya what, since we live in the same metro area maybe you should
> >e-mail
> >me before making purchases & see if I've heard of any deals around. <g>
> That's not a bad idea... :-)
> Hey, is your flashnet connection good for online racing? How much is it?
> Eldred
(3 yrs ago?!!?) that would sign you up without a credit card. Great for me,
since I don't do credit cards or checking accounts. Pre-paid, $169 a year.
Works out to around $14 a month. Not really any reliability problems to speak
of, either.
Chuck Kandler #70
ChuckK or KS70 on Won.net
K&S Racing
The box said "Windows 95 or better", so I installed LINUX!