Recently I installed GPL and started to enjoy the game.
In order to enjoy even more please tell me where could I find all relevant
data about this game - setups, tracks and all other data
thanks in advance
Dino Besen
Recently I installed GPL and started to enjoy the game.
In order to enjoy even more please tell me where could I find all relevant
data about this game - setups, tracks and all other data
thanks in advance
Dino Besen
Laurence Wilmer
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>Recently I installed GPL and started to enjoy the game.
>In order to enjoy even more please tell me where could I find all relevant
>data about this game - setups, tracks and all other data
Welcome aboard!
There are as many opinions about this as there are GPLers, but here are
Your first stop ought to be Alison Hine's site, which is probably the
best introduction there is. Her setups are excellent ones to begin
with, and can take you a long way. It's here:
If you'd like some slightly more aggressive setups, Roland Ehnstr?m's
are excellent. I use these for most car/track combinations, and like
them a lot. You can get them here:
Tracks: lots of these about now. The following URL has an up-to-date
list. I highly recommend Le Mans Sarthe, Solitude and Goodwood:
And here are two of the best general sites, with all sorts of goodies
to download:
The US Pits:
Grand Prix Legends Editors' Association:
I started in the Grand Prix (generally known here as "F1") car, but
you might try the Advanced Trainer ("F2") if you want a little less
power to handle. I'd recommend you don't drive the Novice Trainer
("F3") car, as its handling is very different from the other two
models. Assuming you're jumping straight into F1, the Ferrari is a
great car to learn with, as it's reasonably stable and is competitive
enough to stick with for a long time.
And, of course, once you can keep the car on the track you'll want to
race online, which is *enormous* fun. It's very easy to set up; go here
for all the info you need:
Once you have a valid time on all 11 original tracks, you can also get
a "GPLRank handicap", which compares your performance with other
peoples'. Hungary are top of the Nations' Cup right now, so you can be
proud of that :-)
There's loads more, but I'll go on for 2000 lines if I'm not careful,
so I'd better stop now.
Happy racing!
David. (GPLRank handicap -6.57; Monsters of GPL +271.79)
The GPL Scrapyard:
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
really" - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh.
> >Hello for the first time.
> >Recently I installed GPL and started to enjoy the game.
> >In order to enjoy even more please tell me where could I find all
> >data about this game - setups, tracks and all other data
> 1) GPL is not a game
Get lost ! Is that for real ? :-)
> > Hello for the first time.
> Welcome aboard!
You brought water in my mouth :-)
Thank you again.
OT: Regards from Croatia (Ivanisevic) ! :-)
"Dino Besen>
It is a Simulation. When you call a program like GPL a Game, that
sounds like it is similar to SuperMario Karts.
Therefore, we being snobbish, boorish, and downright superior, refer to GPL
as a Sim, or even when comparing to other sims, a 'true' sim.
YES! Some setups are EXTREMELY fast, for certain types of drivers, others
feel like junk, but then you look at times set with them and it is for real.
Some of the fastest GPLers use the default setups. You kinda have to
examine your skill in GPL and determine what your needs are. Setups by
Allison Hine tend to be stable and neutral, very predictable. Setups by
Gregor Huttu are dang near undrivable unless you have a very firm grasp of
GPL. Ask 50 users here what their favorite setups are, and you'll
probably get 30 to 40 different answers. First get comfortable with a
certain car and setup, then start shopping around, eventually you will find
a setup author that matches your driving style and zoom! Off you go.
dave henrie
That is true - I'm sorry. I know that but it was lack of words at that time
Maybe you understand that a bit too serious ? :-)
Sorry again :-(
That was my conclusion but ... then again look above :.-)
Oops. I thought .hr was Hungary... *blush* Sorry!
Fantastic Wimbledon - finally someone beat an Australian! :-)
David. (GPLRank handicap -6.57; Monsters of GPL +271.79)
The GPL Scrapyard:
"After all, a mere thousand yards - such a harmless little knoll,
really" - Raymond Mays on Shelsley Walsh.