F1GP questions

Cameron How

F1GP questions

by Cameron How » Thu, 14 Apr 1994 05:36:05

No. I Emailed Microprose some time back w.r.t. a question about the Spanish
circuit and mentioned this squeeling as well. They told me it has nothing to
do with skidding as such - it's an indicator of how hard you're pushing
the car. Because a simulator has no G-force feedback :( there is no
way of knowing how hard you're pushing, hence an aural cue. Obviously,
if you're really over the limit, you can consider the squealing to be
G-force + skidding :)


Max Beha

F1GP questions

by Max Beha » Thu, 14 Apr 1994 08:03:20

>: I'm curious though about what other "racers" are using for a frame rate,
>: and on what type of computer? Thanks in advance for all responses.

        Originally I always raced at the default (from 1.03) of 8.1 fps on
my 386SX-20. When I got the update to 1.05 and read the para. on frame
rates I tried changing it since my system is a bit better than a 286 for
which 8.1 was default. I run it at 9 fps now (big change, eh?) because I
try to keep POcc below 100% at all times (not possible at Adelaide even at
8.1). I've also tried higher settings with all detail off to see how it
runs and it was amazing! But it looked so bland that I couldn't stand it
and went back down and put detail back up.

Max Behara
Molly: "DS+MC" Bt+W C 1.2 X+++ L W C+++ I+++ T+ H+ S++ V+ P-
"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore
  - Have modem, will surf. -

Richard Quer

F1GP questions

by Richard Quer » Wed, 13 Apr 1994 20:02:38

: So anyways...where is it?

OK...the exact names of the menus may not be 100% accurate but I'm
doing this from memory... OPTIONS -> CONTROL METHOD -> EDIT CURRENT
CONTROLS -> EDIT STEERING CONTROLS.. In this menu, you should find the
setting to turn SA off. Also you will see settings for linear/non
linear steering as well as max.lock (if you have version 1.05).. If
you don't find it let me know... Hope you get there..:) BTW, the lower
you set your maximum lock, the more stable the car will be on the
straights but the harder it will be to go through tight corners..But
then you can use wheelspin and a bit of oversteer to get you through
the tight ones if you have to..<g>

: I found I drove better without the "best line" help.  With it,
: I would concentrate on the line and not the corner...since the
: proper way to drive is look 1 corner ahead think 2 corners ahead,
: I tried driving without the help.  Now I stare at the apex of the
: corner...unless I'm dealing w/traffic, I don't look anywhere else.
: I seem to be able to feel where my car is on the track relative
: to the corner so I can brake in time and turn in at the proper time.
: Although I do get a little help from the distance markers.

I always use the distance markers as well as changes in the colours of
the walls to mark where I should start braking or where I should start
turning. The best line is indespensible when learning the track though..:)

: Did Microprose make a Motorcycle GP racing game..I have one that
: is SOOOO similar to F1GP in looks and feel, I think I got it in
: a pack of 3 sports games (golf, basketball, and gp bikes).  I can't
: find my disks to verify.

Was it Team Suzuki by Konami/Gremlin?  



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Richard Quer

F1GP questions

by Richard Quer » Wed, 13 Apr 1994 20:22:59

: I'm curious though about what other "racers" are using for a frame rate,
: and on what type of computer? Thanks in advance for all responses.

I'm not sure if I stated it in my previous postings, but I'm running
WC at 16 fps on a 386DX-33 with the track texture off. This results in
a fairly smooth display at 100-120% processor occupancy (depending on
the track). If I find that certain parts of a track slow me down
(because of tall buildings ie Phoenix)  I hit the D-key once to bring
the detail down a notch.. Still at 16 fps the game is fast and quite
smooth. I have heard from some people that setting the fps higher,
they get more screen updates per second and that they find they can
tell when the car is losing grip or oversteering a little quicker. But
I think that you have to make sure you're running at less than 140%
occupancy to get that feeling of speed.:)


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M Y  O P I N I O N S  A R E  E X A C T L Y  T H A T  

Calum Bens

F1GP questions

by Calum Bens » Thu, 14 Apr 1994 22:29:15

I don't know which format you're playing on, but do remember that the Amiga
version doesn't support this option, unfortunately ....



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F1GP questions

by TIM ALEXANDER B » Thu, 14 Apr 1994 19:17:16

>Subject: Re: F1GP questions
>Date: Tue, 12 Apr 1994 23:03:20 GMT

>>: I'm curious though about what other "racers" are using for a frame rate,
>>: and on what type of computer? Thanks in advance for all responses.
>        Originally I always raced at the default (from 1.03) of 8.1 fps on
>my 386SX-20. When I got the update to 1.05 and read the para. on frame
>rates I tried changing it since my system is a bit better than a 286 for
>which 8.1 was default. I run it at 9 fps now (big change, eh?) because I
>try to keep POcc below 100% at all times (not possible at Adelaide even at
>8.1). I've also tried higher settings with all detail off to see how it
>runs and it was amazing! But it looked so bland that I couldn't stand it
>and went back down and put detail back up.

I've played F1GP for two years now, and I have to admit I play mostly
indycar for the time beeing.

AS for the fps discussion: At first I played it on a 286 25 Mhz, then a  
486 33DX, and now on a 486 66DX2.

The key to it is to keep the processor rating to 105%-110%. It's suggested
in the manual to have it just over 100%  :)   Happy racing.


Max Beha

F1GP questions

by Max Beha » Fri, 15 Apr 1994 12:28:21

        Sorry to disagree but I believe they write that one should set it
so that it stays at or below 100% most of the time.

Max Behara
Molly: "DS+MC" Bt+W C 1.2 X+++ L W C+++ I+++ T+ H+ S++ V+ P-
"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore
  - Have modem, will surf. -

Tim Robins

F1GP questions

by Tim Robins » Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:30:37

First I would like to thank everybody who responded to the frame rate post
I did. However, I am curious about something else now.

A number of you mentioned something about percent cpu time required. For
example, I sas keeping at less than 100%, and another mentioned 140%. My
question is: How do you know what percent of the cpu time/power (?) the
game is using at any given time? Where do I have to look to get this

Thanks in advance.

Tim Robinson                    If you're not having fun, then
Winnipeg, Manitoba              you're doing something wrong!

                                a car(Meatloaf)(Especially if it's a Corvette)

Tim Robins

F1GP questions

by Tim Robins » Fri, 15 Apr 1994 14:34:49

>>I still have atleast 1 more question...I can't find the option to
>>turn off SA!!! I've looked in every menu option...I've raced with
>>all help turned off (the ones you toggle with the function keys
>>while driving) - and no change...
>I don't know which format you're playing on, but do remember that the Amiga
>version doesn't support this option, unfortunately ....

I am using version 1.04 for the PC, and I cannot find these options
either. Is this only available for version 1.05? If so, is it still
available through ftp.

Tim Robinson                    If you're not having fun, then
Winnipeg, Manitoba              you're doing something wrong!

                                a car(Meatloaf)(Especially if it's a Corvette)

Richard Quer

F1GP questions

by Richard Quer » Fri, 15 Apr 1994 21:45:31

: I am using version 1.04 for the PC, and I cannot find these options
: either. Is this only available for version 1.05? If so, is it still
: available through ftp.

The option to turn off SA is in all versions I believe. I originally
bought version 1.03 and it had the option.. The path to the menu where
you set it is something like this:


*important* Although 1.03 lets you turn it off..v.1.05 is the only
version that gives you a maximum lock adjustment as well... this is
important because I found driving without SA was just about impossible
before I was able to turn down the maximum lock.. In version 1.03 its
set at 28 or something..I currently run it at 12 to make the car more
stable and driveable.

I've seen the v1.05 patch on under the
/msdos/Games/patches I think...



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Richard Quer

F1GP questions

by Richard Quer » Fri, 15 Apr 1994 21:49:57

: A number of you mentioned something about percent cpu time required. For
: example, I sas keeping at less than 100%, and another mentioned 140%. My
: question is: How do you know what percent of the cpu time/power (?) the
: game is using at any given time? Where do I have to look to get this
: information?

If you press the 0 key (letter o) it will show the processor occupancy
on the screen. You can do this during replays or while you're
driving.. 100% indicates that the sim is running close to realtime. So
if you get a lap time of 1 min.00 then it really should take you 1 min
to do it. Although the occupancy changes depending on the number of
objects around you so it'll never be smack on...:)


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M Y  O P I N I O N S  A R E  E X A C T L Y  T H A T  

Max Beha

F1GP questions

by Max Beha » Sat, 16 Apr 1994 07:55:06

>A number of you mentioned something about percent cpu time required. For
>example, I sas keeping at less than 100%, and another mentioned 140%. My
>question is: How do you know what percent of the cpu time/power (?) the
>game is using at any given time? Where do I have to look to get this

        Hold down the "O" key to see how hard the CPU is working. Anything
above 100% means the CPU is overwhelmed and the simulation runs in slow
motion. I find that you only really notice the slow down at 120% or more.
Also one should take into account that other cars will raise the % when
they come close. It's actually not bad except if your right up someone's
tailpipe. Then it takes a lot of CPU time.

Max Behara
Molly: "DS+MC" Bt+W C 1.2 X+++ L W C+++ I+++ T+ H+ S++ V+ P-
"The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it." - John Gilmore
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