1st go back into windows explorer and MAKE SURE the core.ini.sample
was properly renamed core.ini not core.ini.txt or anything else. Just
then double check your windows settings.
To make sure your wheel is properly setup within windows. Test it in
the control panel area (start-settings-control panel-game controllers.)
make sure the wheel gets an OK on the first screen. Then clik the
advanced tab at the top and make sure the wheel is listed as the first
device in the number 1 position. Then go back to the first screen
by cliking on the General tab. Press the properites button and then the
Settings button. Make sure the "combined Axis" box is NOT checked but
also make sure the "Enable force feedback" button IS checked. then move
the three sliders up near 130 to 150%. the last box is the centering
spring, for gpl that box should be UNchecked (for N3 I use it and check
it.) press close...move your wheel and pedals around, you should see
the pedal gauges moving independantly of each other...then press ok and
your done there. restart GPL, go to options and recalibrate your 1 and
2 joysticks, selecting the wheel box on the right, re-assign your axis
settings for steering and braking etc and you should be ready to go.
good luck, have fun
dave henrie
> > > Hello all,
> > > Here it is. I ve got now logitech force feedback formula wheel and gpl
> > > currently running.
> > > GPL is the version.
> > > I started today using the wheel and i dont have feedback effects. It is
> > > also quite difficult to manage the car.
> > > What should i do in order to use them properly ?
> > > Thanks for your help,
> > > Bertrand
> > Ok, here's what you have to do. Look in your gpl folder and you will find a
> > file named core.ini.sample. Open that file in a text editor like Notepad.
> > In this file you will find a header [Joy]. Under that header you need the
> > line allow_force_feedback = 1. The line should already be there. You just
> > have to change the value from 0 to 1.
> > Now, rename core.ini.sample file to core.ini, and you're in force feedback
> > business.
> > Also, go here: http://simracing.com/alison/gpl/ for a more in depth view of
> > FF and GPL.
> Ugh it doesnt seem to work !!! Perharps should i restart the computer ????