Lorenzo Bandini died three days after his accident (10/5/1967 Monte-carlo
hospital, race was held on 7/5/67) but there was no chance of recovery for
him as he was dreadfully charred and burnt (must have been hell) if the
rescue team had been quicker who knows how his career would have turned out,
he was definetly obne of the monaco masters.
I am one of those people who became interested in not only f1 but motorsport
in 1994 after Imola, this was the first motorsport i had seen (i was about 8
or 9) (i actually listened to the race bon the radio, i can remember what i
was doing in the aftermath of the accident in detail, I onkly got the
courage up to watch the crash about 6 months ago and refuse to see video's
of fatal accidents, i did however see Neil Shanahans fatal accident at
oulton park last year which has also had an effect on me. This had such a
deep impact on me that ive watched f1 and motorsport eversince. Senna's
death opened up F1 to even those who had not been interested in the sport at
all. I put senna as my hero even though i have never seen him race.
maybe i am just an emotional person i dont know.
> I draw your attention once again to the photo in the Louis Stanley book.
> Lorenzo was alive when this was taken then such "life" must have been the
> merest thread. Any crying and screaming was well and truly finished.
> --
> Regards,
> Bruce Kennewell,
> Canberra, Australia.
> ---------------------------
> > Correct, he was still alive, and his crying and screaming was sound
> > of that. It must have been hell....
> > > On Wed, 26 Jan 2000 15:22:56 +1100, "Bruce Kennewell"
> > > >Bandini was 100% DEAD before his body was removed from the Ferrari.
> > > >Get a copy of Louis Stanley's recent book (can't think of the name of
> it
> > > >now): it includes an horrific photo of Bandini's corpse in the car.
> > > Sure ? I always read that he died 3 days after the crash
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