I'm probably one of the few pew that was happy with N2...until now! I
have a 586/133 with 24 meg. Since I can't get a frame rate that isn't
"choppy" I've been playing in 320 X 200 mode instead of 640 X 480, and
I have accepted that....no problem. Last night I was trying to get some
more speed and went to change the controls, I took the braking help off.
Then I went back to testing and I was in 640 X 480 mode. I've never had
to change this before and now I'm in it all the time. I tried to change
it in the controls setup at the track but it won't let me. I can change
everything else but not back to 320 X 200. I go to the main screen and
then select controls, graphics then it will let me change back.....but
when I go to race....BOOM....i'm back in 320 X 200....any idea what
BTW.....I've been racing NASCAR 1 for a long time...N2 I think is great
(minor bugs aside), but I just recently got into R.A.C. and I just want
to let everyone know that I think it is a huge help to everyone that sim