McRae-rally in my P166?

Mikko Amma

McRae-rally in my P166?

by Mikko Amma » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

 Have Pentium MMX 166/48mb/voodoo rush. How does Colin McRae
 Rally work in my computer?

 Thanks for any reply!


   /* Reality is an illusion that occurs
      due to the lack of *** */

Scott Boha

McRae-rally in my P166?

by Scott Boha » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

I don't know about voodoo rush, but I had a 8mb voodoo2 in my
P166 32mb, and CMR ran fine and quite smoothly most of the
time.  Definitely playable, although it takes a while for the game to
load up, compared to having 64 or 128mb of ram.

Ken Ston

McRae-rally in my P166?

by Ken Ston » Sat, 20 Nov 1999 04:00:00

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 13:32:08 -0000, "Scott Boham"

>I don't know about voodoo rush, but I had a 8mb voodoo2 in my
>P166 32mb, and CMR ran fine and quite smoothly most of the
>time.  Definitely playable, although it takes a while for the game to
>load up, compared to having 64 or 128mb of ram.

One of my PC's is a Pentium MXX 166Mhz with 32MB RAM and a 12MB
Creative Labs Voodoo2. Colin McRae Rally certainly doesn't run at
30fps with this system (20 - 25, max), but is still certainly

It can seem to take an eternity to load however, unless the full
install has been made, in which case it's a little bit quicker.

Without the Voodoo2 I wouldn't even attempt it, but with it, it's
perfectly OK.

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