

by Oldma » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> >>   Check out that's what's happening
> >>to Jeff Gordon,
> >>Rich K.

> >Well  he's the only Cheverolet Driver to win a race this year but his
> >car has never been tested in the wind tunnel.  The boy has to be
> >cheating.

> There is also a little something called talent... I think he wins as a
> combination of talent, good crew chief, good car, good crew... etc...
> --
> Guanyao Cheng           "And I personally assure you, everybody here, that

>; chess, I personally guarantee you I'll
> /www/gcheng              tear it to pieces" -- Garry Kasparov

Not to mention, in the words of Mark Martin, "stealing a race" every now
and then.
Just my $0.02 worth.
Robert Huggi


by Robert Huggi » Wed, 04 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Cyber Racing Sportscenter <> wrote:

>What is racing online about? I all depends on who you ask. There are
>many racers out there that race online. Hawaii is more than a beta
>testing division, it is a community. Those that have taken part in this
>experience can understand what I mean. I have been racing online since
>april of last year. I have meet many people online that I consider my
>closest friends. I try to take an active part in the Hawaii Community by
>bringing the news and ramblings that go on, to my web site, which I
>update on a daily basis.

News is fine.
Ramblings are dangerous.  
Are these unbiased ramblings?
Your opinions?
Opinions of others?

>It is almost a full time job. I am editor,
>producer, graphic designer and president.

You being the publisher and the editor means that there is no system
of checks and balances for bias.

>I respond to each and every
>e-mail I recieve.

You have not been responding to the e-mail from me for the past few
weeks?  Why not?

>I spend 3-5 hours a day working on my site and enjoy
>the attention I recive.

I believe that.    ; - )

>My main goal when I started Cyber Racing
>Sportscenter was to proudly report the acievments that the racers online
>accomplished. I then created my top 100 driver list,

Speaking of the list....  

Why do some people appear on the list when they do not appear on the
closest equivalent list that David Martin's MP analyzer produces?

Why do some people NOT appear on the list when they DO appear on the
closest equivalent list that David Martin's MP analyzer produces?

Specifically, why did you remove my name from the list?

Is the list 100% based on fact or something tuned by hand and thus
with potential bias?

>at the request of
>Don Wilshe, to honor those drivers that have showed how hard they worked
>in their racing career. It was a great success. I even went as far as to
>create bio's with complete backgrounds and pictures of these drivers. An
>"in the spot light" kind of feel for the sport we love. And yes it is a
>sport. I don't care what you say, this is real. I consider this a sport
>because of the level of competition there is out there. But competition
>has a drawback. There are people out there that thrive on this, like in
>real life sportsmanship. And as in real life, if you have an edge on
>your competition than you will excel. Is this wrong? It depends. What
>are you calling an edge? There are no set guidelines for this. This
>sport is in it's early stages. And like any sport that is just starting
>out, there will be people out there that look for loop-holes and any
>advantage they can get to become king of the mountain.

Sounds like you understand competition...

>I have created an organization called CRAC, Cyber Racers Against
>Cheating. There is nothing to keep us from cheating, but our honor as
>racers. We have decided that honor and integrity is more important than
>being labeled as someone that cheats. We take the game for what its
>worth, we do not add to it and we do not disrespect our fellow
>competition. The racing community can be assured that all the members of
>CRAC will never under any circumstance do anything that will be
>considered cheating. But what is cheating? Again, this brings up a
>totally new issue.

A very complex issue.  Alex, I volunteered to help CRAC with this
issue.  You have not responded to my e-mails.

> I am not going to cite exact instances of cheating,
>but refer to it as a "whole".

I can almost understand why you would not want to open that can of
worms, but I don't think you will get very far doing that....There is
alot of gray area there.  Consider:

1. Using the best processor, vga board, wheel, etc
2. Realistic setups that work well in the sim.
3. Setups that work well in the sim, but are not "realistic"
4. Bugs in the sim that allow more speed (two lap quals, ESC, etc.)
5. Using third party tools to improve performance (analyzers, etc)

Sounds like CRAC would allow 1 and 2;  but not 5.  I am not sure about
all of the territory in 3 and 4?  

Does everyone that has signed up for CRAC know what they have agreed
not to do?

Your words above are: "The racing community can be assured that all
the members of CRAC will never under any circumstance do anything that
will be considered cheating."

"will be considered cheating"  by who?  By anyone?
If I think someone on the list did something that I consider cheating,
then you will remove that person from the list?

NEVER done these things in the past?
NEVER will do these things in the future?
NEVER in league races, but OK in pickup races?

> It is written in our mission statement on
>our CRAC web site
>"The participants of CRAC have declared that by becoming a member of
>this non-profit organization that they will adhere to the
>following simple guidelines at all times on and off the racing circuit.
>We at CRAC, hold honesty as our primary objective. Under no
>circumstances will we use any other outside influence to increase our
>performance in on-track racing. We will use the racing
>Simulation that Papyrus has given us to the maximum ability we can as
>drivers. We will not attempt to gain an edge on or competition
>by cheating in any way. We will not intentionally use the game in any
>other way it was designed. We will use the tools and resources
>given to us by the base game and not add any other programs to increase
>our racing performance.

No third party utilities?
No setup organizers? (to help you find the best setup)
No replay analyzers? (to help you find the best line)
No telemetry? (to help you run the best line)
Nothing in addition to the "base game"?

>Our hard work and determination
>is all we need to succeed. We assure you that when we race, it is in a
>clean and sportsmanlike manner.
>The secondary objective we will adhere to is treating our competition in
>a respectable humane manner.

I applaud your efforts here.  I wish you the best of luck.

>We will not bad mouth
>anyone for making a simple mistake. Be it getting into an accident or
>causing an accident ourselves. No one is perfect, we are all
>humans and we make mistakes. We realize that accidents are a part of
>racing and no one needs to be treated in an uncivilized
>manner for a mistake they made.
>Finally, we will show our support for CRAC to our fellow competition and
>urge them to become a part of this elite group of
>individuals that have risen above the simple philosophy that "winning
>has to be everything". We promise that we will not be tempted
>to cheat, even if that is the only way we can win. Our honor as racers
>is more important to us. Anyone caught for cheating will be
>removed from CRAC and will be labeled by their fellow races as such.

What about:
Anyone caught for uncivil behavior will be removed from CRAC and will
be labeled by their fellow races as such.

Who determines who gets to join CRAC?
Who determines who gets kicked out of CRAC?
Who's judgement?
Who is responsible for keeping this from turning into a witch hunt?
Is Don Wilshe the first witch?  

I think what Don was saying when he started this thread was that he
wants to know the answers to these questions.  Your post was simply an
advertisement for CRAC, and NOTa specific answer to his specific

>This is a tight community we have here. I am happy to be part
>of it and will continue to show my support for my fellow racers through
>good times and bad times."
>This is definately an issue, I look forward to hearing your comments
>Alex Koziol
>President Cyber Racing Sportscenter

Alex, I think you have a nice web site.  You do a great gob with your
graphics.  I wish you would stick with being the "Cyber Racing
Sportscenter".  This would mean unbiased reporting.  Sticking with
facts.  This would mean avoiding the judgmental aspects of who to
include or not include in the top 100 list.  Or whether or not to
include Don Wilshe on your CRAC list.  

Publish a top 100 list that David Martin's tool produced.  The top 100
based on x, y, and z.  Facts.

I'm afraid the CRAC list is a can of worms.

I apologize in advance for the length of the post.  I feel like it
needed to be said.   I look forward to more dialog.  

Best Wishes!!!
Robert Huggins
Raleigh, NC

Brad Dawso


by Brad Dawso » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00

 We take the game for what its

> >worth, we do not add to it and we do not disrespect our fellow
> >competition. The racing community can be assured that all the members of
> >CRAC will never under any circumstance do anything that will be
> >considered cheating.

> Does everyone that has signed up for CRAC know what they have agreed
> not to do?

> Your words above are: "The racing community can be assured that all
> the members of CRAC will never under any circumstance do anything that
> will be considered cheating."

> >Our hard work and determination
> >is all we need to succeed. We assure you that when we race, it is in a
> >clean and sportsmanlike manner.

> >The secondary objective we will adhere to is treating our competition in
> >a respectable humane manner.

> I applaud your efforts here.  I wish you the best of luck.

> What about:
> Anyone caught for uncivil behavior will be removed from CRAC and will
> be labeled by their fellow races as such.

> Best Wishes!!!
> Robert Huggins
> Raleigh, NC

A while ago I was in a Race with Mister Robert Huggins and one of the very first members
of CRAC. This individual, who may have been drinking or something, Started ranting and
raving at Mister Huggins. Mr Huggins was on the pole for the race with my self on the
outside. I was looking forward to trying to stay with him and possibly beat him on the
rare occasion it possible. The member of CRAC imediately drove through both of us on the
start. He repeatedly ran in to Mr Huggins trying to "cause damage" He was even courtious
enough to give me a "heads up dawson" right before he took him out again. I'm not
mentioning this persons name becasue he is normaly a good guy and a good racer and he
later apologized for his actions. But surely this is "cheating" Even some one  appoints
them self judge jury and enforcer of their own code of speed. (kind of like that
new "Unofficial head of RAS" guy did, he he) What about the rest of us who were now
trapped in the mini demo derby being run on the high banksd of Bristol? This was a
perfect example of how people in a an organization with an agenda can get whipped up
over something and start acting in a manner that is considerably worse than the original
behavior the organization was formed to stop!

I just read a post from a guy who said he used the button on the ECCI wheel as a pit
speed limiter. I hate to think he will be "labeled as a cheater"  over it. Maybe I would
ask a guy like that not to use the thing in a MP race but I dont think I would "label"

Hey how bout a list of the top 100 cleanest racers? Speed is nice but us slow guys who
practice and practice all week to make it to the upper middle of the pack <g> only to
wiped out in the first turn of a hundred lap race well..............

Good luck ALex and good luck RH your both great guys. I hate to sound like Rodney or
anything but cant we all just get along? <g> If the WC guys can hang out after
nearly loseing their lives due to someones bone head manuvers than surely we can
show a little more tolerance?

Best Wishes Yourself!

Mike Schmi


by Mike Schmi » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>>>Subject: Alex Koziol of ***-Racing has just booted me out of the
>>>CRAC...  Computers Racers Against Cheating.  

>>   Check out that's what's happening
>>to Jeff Gordon,
>>Rich K.

>Well  he's the only Cheverolet Driver to win a race this year but his
>car has never been tested in the wind tunnel.  The boy has to be

 Totally unbelievable!!!!!!!!!! What a idiot.... ya ya ya ya and
Michael Jordan is a cheater along with every other profesional sports
figure who is better than the average Joe....Get a life!


by Simproje » Thu, 05 Jun 1997 04:00:00

Very well put, Brad.




by maxwel » Fri, 06 Jun 1997 04:00:00

well i can think of a couple of reasons for a team mate. 1:  the guy is
there to give m***support. if i am having a bad day at the track i can
still count on my team mate to do well for the team. it makes me feal good
to see him do well when im not. it makes me feal even better if we both do
well than if i was winning alone. 2: off line testing. my team mate and i
do a lot of modem and off line testing of both N1 and N2. we look for pit
stragity. how long the tires will last. and fuel runs. this doubles our
practice. we can learn more as a team than as a lone driver. we also learn
from and teach each other stuff we could not learn running on line as a
single driver. we do come up with setups but thats not the only reason for
the testing. 3: having a team mate gives me someone to talk to about the
race afterwards. talk about that great pass or that bone head move that i
made. its fun to have him at the track with me. and 4: a team mate is also
there for you in the race. that much needed drafting partner or to let you
lead a lap for those 5 bonus points even if your car is off a little bit
and he is faster.
i will agree with you that there are some people who join a team simply to
get a better setup. i am not one of them and neather is my team mate. we
stand behind each other 100%. we decide what leagues to run in together. if
one of us doesnt like the league then we dont join. we act as a team, we
work as a team, and we race as a team. those are the best reasons of all i


Jan Koh


by Jan Koh » Sun, 08 Jun 1997 04:00:00

> > >>   Check out that's what's happening
> > >>to Jeff Gordon,
> > >>Rich K.

> > >Well  he's the only Cheverolet Driver to win a race this year but his
> > >car has never been tested in the wind tunnel.  The boy has to be
> > >cheating.

> > There is also a little something called talent... I think he wins as a
> > combination of talent, good crew chief, good car, good crew... etc...
> > --
> > Guanyao Cheng           "And I personally assure you, everybody here,

> >   chess, I personally guarantee you I'll
> > /www/gcheng              tear it to pieces" -- Garry Kasparov
> Not to mention, in the words of Mark Martin, "stealing a race" every now
> and then.
> Just my $0.02 worth.

Doh!  I like your thinking, Oldman...I was thinking the same thing when
Mark said
that.  But we're not badmouthing Gordon, are we....  ;]


**do not reply to email address in header**

??Jan Kohl??        **The Pits Performance Team**

Computer Systems Programmer
USAF Air-Ground Operations School
Hurlburt Field, FL

Castle Graphics -
The Pits -

Bob Stanle


by Bob Stanle » Thu, 12 Jun 1997 04:00:00


    Yeah, your right but this time I patially agree with you. I cant
speak for the *many* teams, only LSM so I can neither confirm nor deny
other teams true motivations. But as for the CRAC deal, all the members
of LSM are also members of CRAC and we all feel very strongly that we
should'nt take advantage of some of the flaws in Hawaii. We all know they
are there and we could take advantage of them but it goes against what
we believe to be fair.  Thats why I was very open with this newgroup in
regards to setups.  LSM downloads them, tests them, tweaks them, whatever
we can do to advance in speed wihtout using any external program that could
alter setups outside of thier intended values. That doesnt mean that
we dont use excellent freeware programs such as N2HQ which helps me to
basically keep things organised. We DO NOT alter setups in anyway other than
via the garage in the sim. We DO share setups between members and we do post
setups on our web page to help others that may have some difficulties making
thier own. I'm still not sure why you think sharing setups between teammates
and or friends is 'slimy'? We dont steal anything from anybody, and we give
back to the community information we have found that helps us. As a matter of
fact, we are going through all of the setups we have right now and working
diligently to get those posted. As I said before, the guys at LSM dont even
use the same setups so a setup that is posted on the LSM web page, you might
download and kick my ***with it and it might even be one I developed awhile
back but think I have a better one now. Anyway, there is alot more I could say
about CRAC but this post is getting rather lengthly so if you're interested
email me and I'll get back to you. Sorry, if I came off as preaching.
All the best,

LightSpeed! MotorSports

Michael Kirt


by Michael Kirt » Thu, 12 Jun 1997 04:00:00

>Have you been reading the team goals on the LightSpeed! MotorSports page? <G>
>You said almost verbatim what we at LSM think. I believe that most teams
>that are formed in this virtual racing community are exactly as you described.
>After all the help team mates provide each other in order to just keep up, its the
>comaraderie shared between members thats the best part!  I dont think there is
>a *** little secret out there regarding setups. Its no secret, if you have 3
>guys working on setups, your chances of building a good one are that much better.
>I know for a fact that none of us on LSM use the exact same setup but we
>definitly tweak each others to suit our own individual tastes. Plus theres a
>very friendly rivalry between us, If I turn some hot laps at Dover, my team
>mates will turn faster ones quicker than you can pronounce Ymenard. Being on
>a team is a blast!!!!!
>LightSpeed! MotorSports

You hit the nail on the head Bob!!!!

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