I know I can count on this group to assist me.
Last night, I finally had to replace the bungee-cord in my Nascar Pro wheel.
I got it replaced with no problem but now my wheel has a further turn-radius
than it did. (I think)
It works ok...and I should probably leave it alone. It actually has a
turn-radius closer to reality. But I have to wonder what I did different in
my replacement attempt. And I've concluded that I just might have put the
bungee cord in wrong. (Didn't know that was possible, huh?)
Anyhow...here was what I did:
1. I inserted the bungee cord in the little hole on the right side of the
bracket...and I...
2. ...took it OVER the first little white hub...then I...
3. ...took it UNDER the main center hub...then...
4. ...OVER the last little white hub...the one on the left...and out the
hole on the left side.
5. ...installed the cable-ties on each end of the cord.
But I'm wondering now if I did it incorrectly. Maybe I should have gone in
the hole on the right and then UNDER the first little white hub, and then
OVER the main center hub, and then UNDER the remaining little white hub and
out the hole.
Which way is the correct way?
Thanks in advance...
Jim Tester