This very much bears repeating. While Tom has done a pretty good
job with his sight, please remember that it's just another personal
web page.
This very much bears repeating. While Tom has done a pretty good
job with his sight, please remember that it's just another personal
web page.
Pierre PAPA DOC Legrand
Pink Flamingo Pilot...
the Savage3D is in tom's doghouse. yes their product may be inferior to
others out there (in its current state). he even seemed downright hostile
when they didnt answer his questions or send him updated drivers etc.....
hypothetically.....lets turn the tables......some company sends him updates
of graphic boards on a regular basis.....answers his questions....some of
them even fly out there to help him out. if this card does well and he
praises them on his it because it is a superior product......or
have other things influenced his decision?
i consider his site as a source for information to make an informed buying
decision. i may or may not agree with his recommendations. i have walked
into computer shops in town here and they ask me if i have read tom's site.
they only see what he recommends.......and then they try to sway me in that
direction. they dont read the site. (i had one salesperson trying to
discourage me from buying a celeron 266 a couple of months ago......the
first thing he said was "did you see what tom said"......he wanted me to buy
a PII.....i said "yes i did read the site.......that is why i am buying a
a couple of months ago i would consider tom's site as a "personal web page".
not anymore.....when one person has the power to sway a large portion of
hardware buyers in one direction or another....and when recommendations may
(or may not) be influenced by what and how much developers give them......i
cant call it personal anymore.
> This very much bears repeating. While Tom has done a pretty good
>job with his sight, please remember that it's just another personal
>web page.
> -dobe-
This was exactly what I was trying to say without
disparaging Tom too much and starting a big broohaha.
Everyone would be best served by not taking his word as
gospel and just using his page as another source of input
from which to make informed decisions. He's just a guy
with an opinion. An opinon which I am less and less apt
to trust the bigger his site becomes.