While I have been trying to solve a static problem with GPL, I have been
experimenting with various sound.dat files. The interesting thing I have
found is that with certain sound.dat files I seem to be faster. Not just
a little faster either. I mean 1-2 secs faster. I drive with headphones
and use the sound to tell me my shift points (usually).
I was wondering if anyone else has noticed this? Does anyone know why
this should happen? I know I try to drive consistently, but a 1-2 sec
difference is very noticeable.
BTW, I have kept my sound.dat that lets me drive fastest <G>
It's an old Mea***er file, don't ask which one, I took it from an old
backup I did of GPL.
Fourth place in IGPS
Busch Carpentry
Busch Motorsports
"Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward"