Cheers! And, if any company fancies incorporating this into any up and
coming games/patches, then I hereby give permission by relinquishing the
intellectual copyright to this idea. <g>
>> >>This is a multiplayer bug from NASCAR2 that they still have not fixed.
>> >>heard of it my ass!!
>> >It's been a multiplayer bug forever:) I remember this happening in N1
>> >ICR2.
>> If this problem is so unavoidable when online racing then why don't they
>> just add a piece of code that stores all improved lap times whilst
>> racing without adding them and then after the race, if any of them are
>> unusually quicker than the previous best - say <90% of previous best - a
>> window pops up saying something like:
>> "A lap time of X:xx.xx was recorded whilst racing which is a major
>> improvement over the current best of X:xx.xx and may be a result of a
>> clock smash. Do you wish to keep it? Yes? No?"
>> You then can click on whichever Yes to accept or No to dump it. Problem
>> solved.
>> --
>> Peter Ives
Peter Ives