It wasn't until 'after' I hit the send-button that I realized my
mistake...This 'tire-shake' is certainly something I wouldn't want
to go through (at least without a good dental plan<g>). Thanks for
the clarification.
> <More commonly known as "wheel-hop.">
> No, tire shake is nothing like wheel-hop. Nothing with less than about 1000
> horsepower will ever experience anything like tire shake. Wheel-hop is when
> the suspension of the car allows the tire to actually lose the majority of it's
> contact with the ground. As this flexing back and forth continues the tire
> kind of skips along the ground, and causes a mild vibration in the car.
> Tire shake on the other hand, has been known to cause some drivers to suffer
> concussions and even lose conciousness!!! It's basically when the tire tries
> to grow and squat at the same time, it's a very strange phenomena. I don't
> even think a majority of the "big teams" know what it is exactly. It's
> something that is unbelievably *** no matter if you are running a 2000h.p.
> Pro-Mod, or a 6000 h.p. Fuel Car. When it happends you WILL know it, and it is
> NOTHING like wheel hop.
> Greg
Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News -
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