>I've seen pictures of a vertical (or very nearly so) banking at the
>Mercedes-Benz Proving Ground. Not sure what part of Germany this is in. I
>don't think that they race on it, but the pic I saw did have a car up there
>on the wall.
This proving ground is somewhere near Stuttgart, where the Mercedes
cars are made. (For the geography-impaired: Stuttgart is in southern
Germany, a few hundred kilometers southwest of Berlin.) AFAIK, it has
never been used for racing. As the name suggests, it is a proving
ground for new vehicles. The banking is such that you don't have to
steer to get through the corners - no sports appeal since you can go
as fast as you want to without having to have special driving skills.
A certain physical fitness is required, though, to withstand the
g-forces, I assume. ;)
IIRC, the AVUS has been discontinued as a racetrack last year. The
problem was that the track is also a part of Berlin's Autobahn system.
Closing it down for races had the same effect on traffic as closing
down parts of Washington's capital beltway or Paris' peripherique
would have...
AFAIK, the only extant racetrack with considerably banked corners in
Germany today is the brand new Lausitzring tri-oval. The track owners
are trying to get a contract for an overseas CART or IRL (or however
the series is called these days - INLRS or some such?) race.
Wolfgang Preiss \ E-mail copies of replies to this posting are welcome.
\ of your account. I mean it. Spammer, you have been warned.