to know more about?Racing is racing......whatever the formula.Each form has it's
good points and bad points.As a racing fan,I enjoy them all(except for the Indy
500 now)
and i hope that this new F1 fan learns more about this formula and comes to
enjoy it as much as we all do.
> >I watched a replay of the Australian GP last night and I have a few
> >questions for the die-hard F1 fans out there.
> >1.) Why, when the two stewart cars had problems on the grid, did they abort
> >the start? You can't get started? See you next event...(very NASCAR
> >mentality I realize, but I don't understand)
> It is the *DRIVER* who qualifies not the car. Your right about your nascar
> mentality BTW :-)
> >2.) How did Schumacher, Michael, get screwed? He couldn't go anywhere on
> the
> >first start because of the stalled car in front of him.
> If his car did not start properly on it's own, it goes to the rear of the
> field
> or the pits. I didn't realize that he also had a problem until after
> everything
> was sorted out. Also (fwiw) he got screwed by the flat tire not the start
> :-)
> >3.) Why only 58 laps, kind of short for months and months of
> preperation...?
> All the F1 races are aprox 300KM in length (monaco is 259KM). Monaco is
> 78 laps, but that circuit is pretty short. Hockenhiem is only 45 laps. Also
> there
> is a 2 hour time limit for each race.
> >4.) I guess I just don't understand why F1 insists on using standing starts
> Feature :-)
> --
> Header address intentionally scrambled to ward off the spamming hordes.
> cisko [AT] ix [DOT] netcom [DOT] com