pleased with my budget purchase. Here are some of the reasons I am enjoying
Graphics - Clear and smooth with quite a level of detail. Only gripe here
is the tyres look a bit hexagonal.
Physics - Okay not in GPL league but seem to be pretty much what one would
expect from this type of car.
AI - Very consistent. You can follow a car bumper to bumper for a whole lap
and it won't suddenly slow at a place where you are going quickly.
Multiplayer - I've only tried the demo on-line and it worked very well
despite being in South Africa and my competitors in Europe or N. America.
Unlike GPL I can actually get a decent race on-line.
Gameplay - Lots of fun, easy to jump into, yet offering a long term scenario
with the Career feature.
Generally a well put together sim/game. Seeing as it's a common term of
description in here these days, I guess I could say it feels like a
"Finished Product".
P.S. Please don't show Don Wilshe this :o)