I think AMD have a much different approach to their "price war" than you
think (based on the IBM comparison).
Lets look at a few well known facts.
1) AMD can actually SUPPLY that demand (they have manufacturing plants ready
to "step up" production upon demand)... whereas... Intel is woefully short
to even accomadate current demand... pathetically actually.
2) Dell and the others actually have a problem with #1. Meaning... they have
chips already on order... yet unsupplied (their current cache is strained
but not to an unsuppliable level... but very disconcerting nonetheless)
3) The AMD simply outperforms the Intel... unbiased view... really.
4) AMD is set to start implementing multi-processor configurations (at
64-bit no less).... something DEC ALPHA (now discontinued by Compaq), and
Intel (their 64-bit configs are still 'pending') have had their open-take
(server markets).
5) AMD implementation take advantage of new BUS designs/optimizations... not
"program specific speed increases inherit to processor type' designs... such
as Intel are hopelessly pursuing (just to keep up with AMD performance at
face value).
6) AMD are betting on new SDRAM-hybrid (DDR-RAM which is global design
acceptance) optimizations, as opposed to Intel who are betting on teh rogue
RAMBUS chip design (can you recall the OS2 fiasco of IBM parallel?)
7) As an end user..... I have these 3 subsets to look at:
7a) The AMD is simply faster at face value (lesser MHz outperforms Intels
higher MHz offerings... whoops! intel)
7b) Woohoo... it is cheaper
7c) Less overall program changes needed to implement new designs since it is
more hardware/OS level support more than anything (sub topic chat on this
original post above this comes to mind)
Bottonline for 'me' is:
Intel's hayday is done. They are slower... cannot meet demand... and seem
woefully content (lest I say 'complacent') in throwing their eggs in one
basket (RAMBUS RAM, etc.) whereas AMD are shamefully outperforming them with
little/no optimizations required, and making VAST headway on strategic
alliances with sub-set hardware manufacturers to fully support their
BIAS: I have ALWAYS disliked Intel for many reasons (it has grown over the
1) When they put pressure on sub-hardware manufacturers to NOT support AMD
or lose strategic alliances with them (this from a few horses' mouths
2) When they pushed their market position to force ridiculous hardware
prices on the end-user (PII bullshit)
3) When they had the audacity to push the MHz meter as the 'benchmark for
performance globally' as they did with the PII (when were they going to
address bus-speed?)
4) When they decided that a complete rewrite of how optimizations for
performance for their processor would rest on teh programmers of software to
comply wholeheartedly with their direction (hello! hardware is trying to
keep up with software... not the other way around morons-Intel)
Anyways... that is my 50 bucks I couldn't help but contribute... but that's
just my take... not necessarily something that should alter a buying
decision by the guys/gals here.
| No...they are certainly "not sitting back on their dupas".......
| The smart ones are busy scurrying to their brokers and telling them to
| quietly dump their "founders stock" in small pieces.......because they
| when they are finally forced to sell their product at reasonable
| prices....there will be major-league hell to pay with their
| "bottom-line".....and that means they'll draw the wrath of the
| board....and Wall Street!
| Intel has a very "short memory".....they don't remember how "BIG" the name
| IBM was in the computer industry several years (eons) ago......and how
| that company (who was bigger than Intel its heyday).....was
| to their knees. "Price gouging" was one of the downfalls of IBM. One
| real and powerful characteristic of the computer and
| always that the "top of the heap has little if any
| **foundation**........the distance of the fall is the only thing that
| separates the giants from the little guys!" Microsoft just got a
| the vulnerability of thinking you are "invincible." Intel is
| about to get put to their test!
| Tom