GP2 progress review

Carlos Miguel Cordei

GP2 progress review

by Carlos Miguel Cordei » Tue, 05 Mar 1996 04:00:00

The following was posted recently on the Microprose www-board.  It is
written in French so I will translate (or try at least) the important
(and new) stuff.

In the march edition of "Joystick", a French magazine
about games, there is a preview of GP2 called version 0.4a
(a for alpha). There are a lot of information about the
game developpement status, and a lot of images from the
game. Now i will write down the most inportant information
about GP2, from "Joystick". But in a first time, only in
French because I doesn't speak English very well!!

1:Graphismes. les graphismes en S-VGA sont magnifiques,
les textures d'excellente qualite. En VGA il semble que les
textures perdent beaucoup de leur finesse!!( Graphismes
un peu grossiers, bien que les voitures restent tres belles.)
Les menus sont en S-VGA avec pleins de photos tirees de
la saison 1995 de F1.(Comme dans GPM.). Les menus res-
-semblent a ceux de F1gp.

Les pages de presentation des circuits sont magnifiques.
On y voit comme dans Gp1 une vue aerienne du circuit, mais
l'image ressemble maintenant plus a une photo.
Le menus de parametrage des graphismes est tres complet
puisqu'il permet de tout configurer. La resolution,
la texture de la route, des panneaux de publicite, et
meme de la reflection des textures dans les retroviseurs.
Il y a toujours l'option permettant de connaitre la puissance
de notre machine. A titre d'exemple, pour un Pentium 120
avec une catre Matrox, le test donne: 240 % pour le processeur
et 238 % pour la video.

2: Animation. Selon le testeur, il faudra au minimum un
Pentium 133 pour jouer en S-VGA avec tous les details.
( Mais il semble que Geoff travaille actuellement a
l'optimisation de la vitesse.)
En VGA la vitesse devrait etre au moins aussi bonne que dans
l'original (F1gp).
Lorsque l'on joue, presser sur la touche 'O' nous permet de voir
l'occupation de notre processeur. Il faut que le chiffre
donne reste toujours au-dessous du chiffre dont je parle
plus haut pour que la vitesse soit optimale.

3: Realisme. Toujours d'apres le testeur, le realisme de
la conduite a ete grandement ameliore. Par exemple, lorsque
l'on accelere violemment, le posterieur de la voiture
bouge de gauche a droite jusqu'a ce que les roues arrieres
reprennent de l'adherence. LA MANIABILITE N'EST PAS ENCORE
AU POINT. De meme la gestion des collisions avec les autres
vehicules comporte encore des Bugs.
Autre exemple concernant le realisme: "l'effet d'aspiration
cree par les autres voitures, les vibrations lorsque
vous passer sur les bordures ou quand vous sorter dans le
bac a sable."
On vois dans la preview (de 4 pages tout de meme!!) une photo
correspondant au 'car setup'. Il y a les memes options que
dans la premiere version et en plus, une option permettant
de choisir le nombre de pits stops dans une course et la
quantite de carburant a embarquer.

4: Les sons. Dans la version testee, les sont sont encore bugges.

4bis : Les cameras. Elles sont semblabes a celles de Gp1
avec en plus les cameras embarquees.(geniales!)
Les vues du bord du circuit ont maintenant la possibilite de
zoomer sur une action. Par contre il semble que le systeme
de ralenti soit le meme que dans Grand Prix.(Pour l'instant)

5: News. Les***pits son maintenant en S-VGA.. Contrairement
a la version testee dans PCgamer par J.Flynn (Fevrier 96)
Les***pits en S-VGA sont superbes!
Le limitateur de vitesse dans les stands est maintenant

6: Avis personnel . D'abord au sujet de la version testee
dans PcGamer. Je pense que cette version n'etait pas assez
complete pour etre notee, car le jeu ne sortira certainement
pas avant un mois encore et a l'heure actuelle de nombreux
bugs restent a corriger et de nombreuses ameliorations
vont etre apportee. Il semble que la version que "Joystick"
a eue entre les mains est plus recente que celle a partir
de laquelle PcGamer a fait son scoop!
Maintenant au sujet de la date: Je m'adresse a tous ceux
qui comme moi sont des fans de F1 et en particulier de
F1GP!! Il vaut mieux attendre encore un mois un jeu
parfait, LE jeu que d'etre decus par une version pleine
de bugs et peut-etre meme plus lente.
Alors Patience...Si quelqun a des informations a apporter
a ce que j'ai ecris. Alors n'hesiter pas, je rafolle
de news au suget du deja mythique GP2


A question to James Flynn : What's the number of the version you
have tested ?

"Joystick" will review GP2 next month.(they say the game will
be released for the end of March!!)

The menu shots are in SVGA and are backgrounded by many photos
taken from the 1995 season (or is it the 1994?).

There is an option which allows us to know the power of our machine
the PC I mean!), for example a P120 with a Matrox card displays 240%
for the processor and 238% for the video. Then, when you play you can
touch the 'O' key to see if the processor ocuppancy is below the
number showed above so that the animation speed is within optimum

According to the tester, a P133 is the minimum required to run in SVGA
with all detail on. (Geoff is still working on the optimisation). In
VGA the animation speed should be at least as good as the original (w/
or w/o textures???).

When you acelerate the car ***ly, the back of the car slides from
left to right until the tyres regrab their aderency. Nevertheless, the
manouvrability is not "ao point" yet. The same thing can be said about
the collisions with other cars, that are still buggier. Other good
things wich give realism to the simulation are the aspiration created
by other cars, the vibrations when a car goes over the curbs or when
leaving the sand areas.

The sound still has bugs in this version.

There are the same camera views than F1GP plus the on board ones
("Geniales!). The track-side views can be zoomed to look for some
action. Nevertheless, the replay system seams like the one in the
original (guess there are no full laps replays so far in this

Some news since the version tested by J.Flynn in Feb PC Gamer is that
the***pits are now in SVGA ("superbes"), and the speed limiter is
now available.

a comment on this review:

- This version of the game tested by "Joystick"seems to be more recent
than the one tested by PCGamer.


I dont know how recent is the demo reviewed on "Joystick" but
presuming that it is not older than 2-3 weeks, it seams that there is
too much work to be done so that the game can be released on the end
of March. I dont know how long a game takes to arrive to the shops
from the time it is completed but I reckon that it would have to be 3
or 4 weeks at the least. So, correcting all the bugs (eg. collisions,
sound, manouvrability, etc), making all the improvements that are not
done yet (eg. Ive never heard of changing weather conditions on any
test review so far, the replays, etc), plus optimizations, plus
testing, etc, I think IMHO that the game wont be released until at
least the end of April. And Knowing how Geoff is a perfectionist and
how he can delay the release date at his own will, I would not be
surprised to see the game released later than that - in May or even in
June (which BTW is inside the SH-MP "Spring" date).

Like some people has written in the group, I too think
that the important thing is to get the game right and clean of bugs.
Many of us have complained to SH-MP because they dont release their
products on time. But in this case I thinks we are seing the contrary,
it is Geoff Crammond and his team whos making the game, not MP, and
if it was MP who were in charge of the game then we would all be
playing since late last year an inferior product with lots of bugs.

Thanks god G.C. is making the game. He knows how to make a quality
game. For what Ive seen and heard I am pretty sure that GP 2 will be
THE devastating game. All good things have a down part ... which in
this case is the waiting. Well have to be patients!

One last remark - I didnt read the "Joystick" review, I just found it
on the SH-MP www-board, so I dont know wow complete it is.

By for now,


Carlos Miguel Santos Cordeiro


duncan r mclea

GP2 progress review

by duncan r mclea » Tue, 05 Mar 1996 04:00:00

French deleted...'interesting' English papragraph below...)
Carlos...thanks for the info.  Keep us updated.  cheers...d,
duncan r mclea

GP2 progress review

by duncan r mclea » Tue, 05 Mar 1996 04:00:00

mclean ) writes:

>Cordeiro) writes:

>>The following was posted recently on the Microprose www-board.  It is
>>written in French so I will translate (or try at least) the important
>>(and new) stuff.

>French deleted...'interesting' English papragraph below...)

>>According to the tester, a P133 is the minimum required to run in
>>with all detail on. (Geoff is still working on the optimisation). In
>>VGA the animation speed should be at least as good as the original
>>or w/o textures???).

>Carlos...thanks for the info.  Keep us updated.  cheers...d, is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.