Although I am posting a problem I must say I think Nascar2 is a
mile ahead of Nascar 1 but shit it is crashing on a regular
Sometimes it just freezes mid screen for no apparent reason.
On one occasion the sound effects continued working but the
video was frozen. Other times it crashes with a screen full of
memory address codes. (None of which points to a source of the
problem). It sometimes locks up when moving through the menus.
On all occasions a reboot is necessary.
Running in full MS-DOS mode either from booting directly into
DOS or shutting down WIN 95 and going into MS-DOS Mode.
Himem and EMM386 disabled. Using Gmouse for mouse driver.
System is Intel Pentium 120, 16 meg Ram, Vibra 16 ISA sound
card and Trident 1 meg video card. I'm hoping it's the video
card because I was considering purchasing a new one anyway. The
frame rate is not too foul with all objects on, 20 opponents,
12 drawn ahead, 5 heard in Super-VGA but faster is always
better right?
I would like to here if anyone else is having the same
P.S For the Kiwi racers out there in New Zealand it is
available at Noel Lemmings. Got my full version in Hamilton on
31st Dec.
Nigel of Lakewood Racing
New Zealand