To Adam or anyone,
Read all the recent email on changes coming to fix problem with NASCAR2
from Adam and on other crash problems in this news group.
I am not complaining on this but thought I would tell what happened on
my one system to see if this is the same type problem.
First: I installed this very same thing on my first system and had no
problems doing a full install of NASCAR2. Only difference is I dont have
any networking installed on this computer. I said to myself, this is
great, lets try my second system. Big problems.
This is what I did:
I was performing a full install of NASCAR2 (DOS version). I was
installing the software while up in WIN95 with a MSDOS window opened
up. I previously did a minimal DOS install of NASCAR2 with no problems.
The only thing I did different is I was in DOS not WIN95 when I did it.
After install, it said it sucessfully installed software but talked
about defragmentation problems with system. After that, I could not open
any other windows or applications without getting errors. I rebooted my
machine and thats when I found out my system had crashed. I do have
networking installed on this computer, but it is AOL and a private ISP,
not Microsoft.
It seems it took out my AOL directory, I lost many files including
autoexec.bat file, and my complete games disk drive(D) directories were
trashed. This was same drive that had my NASCAR2 files on it.
Thats about it. Good thing I saved all important games/applications
before I did this. Was not expecting this to happen though.
Just a curious question. Where are the changes usually found on the Web
when they come out? I know some of you put files on your own Web pages.
Thanks in advance for any info on this item.
Dave Thayer