>>> When I first started on web based boards I thought they were horrible.
>>> Now I find them far better than usenet. The interface is much better,
>>> the moderation gets rid of the dheads, photos are easily posted, sticky
>>> topics, sub sections, yada yada.
>> Sometimes the moderation gets rid of everyone but the***heads.
>> Moderation is completely dependent on the moderator. Moderation can also
>> often amount to a moderator being a rude arse sticking his nose into a
>> conversation that's none of his business. When it becomes a territorial,
>> dictator thing where you need to be a clone of the modertor (minus the
>> power, of course - many suffer from the mentality that it's ok for them
>> to have a*** and balls so long as no one else does), that becomes a
>> worthless forum.
>> Photos are good, but there's nothing stopping someone puting up a link
>> here.
> A fine description of RSC Byron - and, since this is the 2nd time I find
> myself agreeing with one of your posts, it's clear that therapy is now in
> order ...
want to hear! :)