> Header kinda says it all. I read in the manual to put your
> setup files that you have d/l in the F1datab/saved path. After d/l,
> unzipping then placing that file in that path, I still cant get to the
> car setup from within the garage/load setups tab with in the game. Am I
> missing something here?
> Thanks for your imput,
> Tony Gaylord - Portland, OR
Hey, Tony - howya doin'? Did you get F1RS from UbiSoft? I read somewhere
that the US version, as opposed to the UK version from Interact, had the
latest patches and things already implemented. Also, did you get a CD
cover if you got it from Ubi? Also, did they fix the menu problem where
it defaults to auto transmission from manual every time you go from
testing to racing? How are the replays - if you use them? Are they still
really short without sound? Someone else posted a reply re your
above-mentioned problem so I won't repeat it.;-) If you didn't get F1RS
from Ubi, then never mind. Great game, huh?