Wheel Reviews

Séan Connoll

Wheel Reviews

by Séan Connoll » Tue, 11 Nov 2003 22:56:21

Is there a site with wheel reviews anywhere ?  I'm after reviews from the
more sim orientated player.  I've googled like a mad thing, but all I seem
to get are arcade type reviews or really out of date ones.

The last thing I remember was that the Act Labs wheel was the one to have,
but that's from way back when!



Four furry fiend

Wheel Reviews

by Four furry fiend » Wed, 12 Nov 2003 01:45:36

Try here:


Séan Connoll

Wheel Reviews

by Séan Connoll » Wed, 12 Nov 2003 17:48:56

spot on, thanks!

Four furry fiend

Wheel Reviews

by Four furry fiend » Thu, 13 Nov 2003 00:42:14

Glad to help.


Ken MacKa

Wheel Reviews

by Ken MacKa » Fri, 14 Nov 2003 00:34:56

 > The last thing I remember was that the Act Labs wheel was the one to have,
 > but that's from way back when!
 > Thanks
 > S

Check the date on any AL wheel reviews.  They changed the cartridge around July
2001 for the worse (steering resolution is just awful).  If they say the
steering is smooth and precise then it's either an earlier wheel or they don't
know what they are talking about.  Watch out for the logitech wheels as well,
the original Momo was much better than the 2nd version.



Wheel Reviews

by DrLargePan » Tue, 02 Dec 2003 19:22:39

So whats the current fave wheel these days then ?


Wheel Reviews

by DrLargePan » Tue, 02 Dec 2003 23:55:12

better >than the 2nd version.

Better in what way ?

Ken MacKa

Wheel Reviews

by Ken MacKa » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 04:11:17

>>Watch out for the logitech wheels as well,the original Momo was much

> better >than the 2nd version.

> Better in what way ?

Just going by the reviews, the original had more metal parts (steering shaft,
ball bearings, aluminum pedals, etc).  The newer version was mostly plastic, but
still a decent wheel from what I've heard, and some liked the pedals better than
on the original version. Also see where a few claim the FF was better on the
newer version.  Again, this is what I've read, not actually used one. Someone
that's actually tried both could confirm this.

The original red Momo seems to be the one to get, if FF is a must. These may be
   getting hard to find these days.



Wheel Reviews

by Larr » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 12:32:30

The MSFFW is awfully good at $39.95 :)


Séan Connoll

Wheel Reviews

by Séan Connoll » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 17:54:54

Yes apparently the pedals are better as is the accuracy of the wheel.  Its also half the price and has no leather on it so I'm quite
tempted actually!

I actually found a place that will ship these to the UK/Europe from Denmark, as for the US I dunno its still listed on logitech's
website so I presume you can still buy it.

Séan Connoll

Wheel Reviews

by Séan Connoll » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:00:50

Yeah does seem pretty good value at that price, unfortunately after the whole Microsoft/Saitek debacle I aint touching one with a
barge pole!

Mario Petrinovic

Wheel Reviews

by Mario Petrinovic » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 18:28:53

San Connolly :

        Can you (or somebody) explain to me what this is about? -- Mario

Séan Connoll

Wheel Reviews

by Séan Connoll » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 19:06:06

Don't panic!

Basically Saitek released a FF wheel a while back that was powered by 'Microsoft Force Feedback' technology.  After this partnership
was ended, Saitek dropped all support for the wheel (apparently cos of licensing issues with Microsoft), which included developing
drivers so the damn thing would work with 2000/XP.  So unless you wanted to use Windows 9x you were stuck with a very expensive and
usless lump of plastic and metal.

Hardly an issue if you have a current Microsoft/Saitek wheel, but it pissed me off no end so I'm not buying another wheel from
either of them again!

Mario Petrinovic

Wheel Reviews

by Mario Petrinovic » Wed, 03 Dec 2003 19:18:01

San Connolly :

        Oh! Thanks, : ). -- Mario


Wheel Reviews

by Sting3 » Sat, 06 Dec 2003 01:00:06

LOL sean...  I have to laugh though, if I adapted this attitude about every
component that ended up with drivers issues and or microsoft problems, well
erm I dont even think I would be able to own a Macintosh... :)

But I aplaud your resolve, long time ago I felt very strongly about
something, hell I even tried a hunger strike, but back then mom just whipped
my arse, so I have not attempted to be a 'radical' since :)

>>         Can you (or somebody) explain to me what this is about? --
>> Mario

> Don't panic!

> Basically Saitek released a FF wheel a while back that was powered by
> 'Microsoft Force Feedback' technology.  After this partnership was
> ended, Saitek dropped all support for the wheel (apparently cos of
> licensing issues with Microsoft), which included developing drivers
> so the damn thing would work with 2000/XP.  So unless you wanted to
> use Windows 9x you were stuck with a very expensive and usless lump
> of plastic and metal.

> Hardly an issue if you have a current Microsoft/Saitek wheel, but it
> pissed me off no end so I'm not buying another wheel from either of
> them again! is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.