[Ranting begins here]
Why is it that there are so many posts which attempt to say one sim
is so much better than all the others? Worse than that, why do
people feel the need to say that another sim *SUCKS*? Sure, you
might prefer one above the other, why does the other one suck?
'Cos you don't like it, it must be terrible?
Stuff like the NASCAR 2 demo making GP2 look so bad, when we know that
it's going to be in maybe one or two peoples hands at the moment.
GP2 drivers putting NASCAR down, ICRII drivers putting GP2's handling
down and vice versa.
Sure, this is a discussion group, but it's not like the games cost
*that* much. Try buying a REAL Nascar. :-)
Seems to me people are trying to justify their purchase
so they feel better.
I have NASCAR, ICRII and GP2, and I regret none of these purchases.
I'll buy NASCAR II when it comes out too. I just love racing.
ALL these games have their good and bad points.
It's like comparing bananas and apples. Both fruit, but there
the comparison ends. Especially with comparing NASCAR and GP2.
There are no two more different forms of motor sport than NASCAR
and F1. How can we compare the games? Driving at insane
speeds through packed traffic on Tallegeda (sp?) is great fun
as is driving around Adelaide (like to see Melbourne tho')
trying to catch Schumacher and Hill. But compare the two?
ICRII and GP2 are closer, but they are still very different.
I can understand bias towards open wheelers for some, and
Tin Tops for others. This doesn't mean that the other format
sucks. Choose what YOU like and we can get on with discussing
how to get the most out of our chosen sims rather than ranting
and raving about which is best. Race sim driving is great
fun no matter which sim you drive. Enjoy. I do.
Maybe we need an advocacy group so we can get on with useful
discussions ?
Sorry, just my A$0.02 worth (US$0.016 :-)