Thanks Mate. Problem solved, I knew about "NASCAR Racing 4.EXE" but I missed
the other two files
>I had the same problem - here is the fix that worked for me -
>Sometimes the patch improperly renames files with DOS names.
>I swiped this from another newsgroup.
>If you see these in your main N4 folder, rename them as indicated:
>"NASCAR~1.EXE" > "NASCAR Racing 4.EXE"
> ********************************
>Dave Pawlikowski
>> Hi, hope someone can help me out.
>> When I try connecting to, I am told the following
>> 'Your version is out of date of invalid'
>> or something to that effect. I tried letting the program update itself,
>> all it finds is that all is ok and the following message appears...
>> 'Your version is up to date'
>> but, the problem stills occurs and I can't connect to
>> Can anyone help me out???????
>> Thanks
>> Scott