I have noticed that at a few tracks (Sears Point,Watkins Glen and most
recently Richmond) my wheel suddenly loses the force feedback after a short
I have yet to try all tracks to make a complete analysis.
I've tried reducing the amount of force feed back in the game from 100% down
to 50 % at these particular tracks with no difference.
This occurs usually after a good 40 mins or so and temporary cures itself
when a pit stop is made or exiting the game and restarting.
My cover on the wheel definetely gets a bit warmer..so I tend to think it's
killing my wheel slowly?
I have no problem with GPL or any other game doing this.
Anyone else experienced this or have a possible solution please.
Brief system specs.
Win98 and updates
12.41 Video drivers
256 Sdram
Gts 2 32mb leadtek
s/b live
not even sure if any of that is relevant.
Stu C