Joe opined:
<<BTW, Microsoft hasn't posted ANYTHING about MTM here, not a peep.>
<<That's just silly. They released a game generally thought of poorly
(CPR). Now if they release a different game that meets its goals
better and is more fun that's somehow an "insult"? >>
<<So, clearly, telling us how great it is (which all publishers do of
course) is obviously NOT "all they need to do".>>
I don't want to be insulting, but (a) did you even read my post? and (b)
are the nuances of English sentence structure a new area for you?
As I clearly stated, a representative of MS posted to the Apex website
(Official Microsoft CPR Hideout... just a joke, guys!), not here --
although both MS reps who have appeared here had promised "ongoing
support and presence" in this NG.
Here, once again, is the message posted at the Apex website by the MS
rep, in reply to several messages asking *specifically* about the status
of further development of CPR--either finishing the current version or
expecting all the suckers to boot in the money for a spurious v2.
Remember, this was a thread response to questions specifically about CPR
-- not MTM or Bill Gates' pimples or anything else. If you doubt my
veracity or judgement on this subject, by all means go check out the
Message Board at Apex:
Here's the "reply":
<<Sorry for lack of postings - I have had trouble logging in here.
The current situation is that we are finishing MTM2 with TRi right now.
The game is awesome - and almost finished:
Once that is done and the team has had a vacation we'll plan what we do
So, there is no information available right now - as soon as there is
you'll know.
We hope the Paint Kit and Track Editor will keep you guys busy in the
meantime. I know John has a lot of information on the Track Editor, and
I am sure he can answer any questions you may have.
We are looking forward to racing on your new tracks!
I have said this before, but let me restate that we are committed to the
motor racing category and you will see and hear plenty of exciting
announcements from us moving ahead.
All the best,>>
Tell me where you see any information about CPR in this message.
Again -- forgive me for repeating myself, but I want this to be clear --
this very same MS rep posted a message in this very NewsGroup, just
before TRI left to join g.o.d., that MS would "support CPR completely".
Now that has changed to "we are committed to the motor racing category".
Since the departure of TRI, every question, both in this NG and at the
Apex site, regarding the future of CPR, has been met with absolute
non-response from MS, except a brief message regarding the availability
of the track editor. All MS will talk about is MTM2, and they've even
tried to deflect questions about CPR by gurgling about "the new sim
we're working on", pretending, apparently, that it is something OTHER
than MTM2.
Be my guest, by all means, and go peruse the relevant threads at Apex
and the archived NG posts at DejaNews, but there's the answer to your
'That's just silly. They released a game generally thought of poorly
(CPR). Now if they release a different game that meets its goals better
and is more fun that's somehow an "insult"?' Yes, it's an insult that
they think anyone is so stupid that they'll accept a NON-answer to a
question MS could easily answer, or try to dodge the CPR question
entirely with such infantile nonsense.
<<So, clearly, telling us how great it is (which all publishers do of
course) is obviously NOT "all they need to do".>>
No...REALLY? Isn't that exactly what I said? Irony in the English
language is a tricky thing, I suppose, but please re-read that part of
my message a few times. If you still don't get it, my intent was to
state that MS (certainly not alone amongst software publishers)
apparently thinks that boasting over and over about how good a sim CPR
is will somehow convince everyone that it's true, when it is
demonstrably, by common consensus if you will, NOT true. Instead of
wasting their time boasting, playing moronic head-games, and pretending
the problem doesn't exist, they should either hike up their knickers and
do the necessary work (which means, of course, hiring someone else to do
it -- TRI if possible, which doesn't seem impossible, given that they're
working with them on MTM2), or admit that it's the end of the line for
CPR, tough luck, but what can we do.
Of course, admitting such a thing would hardly fit in with MS' image of
itself, as amply demonstrated by the boastful petulance of their two
"reps" who no longer respond to direct questions. Do you think this is
responsible behavior by a company who has proclaimed to the world that
they have produced the "greatest racing sim" ever seen?
Please let me know which part of this is unclear.
Bart Brown