Contemptible? Did you not start with the "READ the f**king post before u
Then you say, in another post-- "With all G3 drivers for this product
'stable platform'
means severe screen corruption. The only official drivers that work but
poorly with F1 2001 is the very old 12.90 which are oh so slow. The up to
date official drivers are unusable with the game."
Sounds like partially a frame-rate issue to me ("oh so slow"). Frame-rates
or no frame rates, you're basing the worth on F1 2001 on how it runs on your
machine, while with others, including myself (as I mentioned above), the
game runs just fine.
So I did read your initial post, and my interpretation, as you've said
yourself ("oh so slo" and other references to "drivers", etc.) was pretty
close to what you meant without your even realizing that you said it.
I certainly have no problem with anyone not liking a game. Most of you know
more about what makes a good racing sim than I do. But to say a racing sim
is not a sim simply because it runs poorly on your machine, is not my
problem, nor anyone else's, whose machine handles a particular game just
That's my point. I don't rate the safety of a car based on the fact that
you have a tendency to slam it into a tree at 200 mph.
> Thanks Jeff and Dave for replies that arn't contemptible.
> I have a second computer, relegated to being a dedicated server for
> GPL reaces and some serious work. This is a P3/800-V5500 combo. I thought
> would give it a try. Not only does F1-2001 run well but gives you the
> of running at greater frequency rates so preventing 'tired eyes' syndrome.
> It obvious that the sim has been optimised for this (I still consder
> graphics adapter.
> I still believe that EA should make sure that such a recent sim should run
> with the latest official drivers for the most popular graphics adapters.
> The 12.90 drivers worked moderately well but I'm loath to wasting my time
> constantly changing between drivers with all that's involved i.e. time to
> uninstall the current drivers/reboot/reinstall suitable drivers for the
> This is really not acceptable for G3 owners especially as the difference
> benchmark between the latest driver and the 12.90 is almost 2000 points.
> my case a drop from 7081 to 5360
> incidently F1 2001 is running on the '3DFx' computer very smoothly at
> 1280x1024x16 (100hz) no FSAA
> I think it's the first time in 15 years that I have had to revert to an
> 'old' computer to run a game :)
> Alan
> > On Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:33:34 +0100, "Alan Coates"
> > >I admit it was my mistake to again purchase an EA product.
> > >If you prefer to own sub-standard products..well that speaks for
> > >Alan
> > Sorry to hear of your experiences, Alan but with my old, outdated 3dfx
> > 5500 the game is a joy. Much better than the last two offerings. My
> > racing machine continues to use the 3dfx board as I just have a
> > cartload of issues with the 3000 permutations of drivers that get
> > offered for the nvidia family. I use a gf2 on the other machine and
> > have had to switch drivers a number of times for various flight/fight
> > games. No way will I go to a new/latest/greatest graphics card from
> > anyone. The drivers always seem to lag way behind the hardware.
> > Staying a generation behind seems to help both the wallet and the
> > headaches.
> > On Wed, 24 Oct 2001 21:28:32 +0100, "Alan Coates"
> > >Don't remember mentioning framerates ... READ the f**king post before u
> > >reply!
> > >Alan
> > I run the game on a GF2 using 12.90 drivers in windowed mode and it
> > runs great for me. And I'm not even a programmer.> Jeff