Well, I've had the wheel working for a couple days now, after repeated
attemps with tech support (on my dime!), we finally got it to show up in
the 'Game Controllers' setup. Still, it said 'Not Connected'. That got
me thinking. Ok, it wasn't a hardware problem. (It wasn't defective, I
didn't think so anywayz) So, it must be software. We had reinstalled the
'Gameport Joystick' driver with the tech guy, and that had brought me to
this point. Since it was an older version than what I had had, the next
logical (well I thought anywayz) step was to put a newer version of that
driver in. Where could I get that? Reinstall DirectX 6.1! Yes, that's
it! I did that, really not expecting it to work, and it did! Now it
works without any problems. I'm now enjoying it immensely with GPL,
Toca2, Midtown Madness and others...I don't know if will help for you,
but I would give it a try even if you reinstalled Windows.
My system is:
Asus P2B
PII/400 w/128mb 100mhz SDRAM
6.1 GB WD Hard Drive
32x CD
Diamond Stealth II S220 (Rendition-based)
2 Diamond Monster3D II 8mb cards (Voodoo2) in SLI
AWE64 Gold
56k Zoom External
Logitech Formula Force Serial
Win95 C
> Forget my earlier post, where I stated the problems to be vanished
> with 3.20 - I GOT IT AGAIN.
> Have the wheel in USB-port.
> After a total fresh installation (Windows and everything else) there
> was no detection at the USB.
> After a lot of swearing I got it running at one USB.
> The other still don't work.
> I'm quite sure, there is any conflict with interrupts or addresses or
> so. System (in Control Panel) doesn't show any conflict.
> Anybody knows what's going on?
> My system:
> Asus P2B
> Voodoo3 2000 (CD-drivers)
> Sblive (CD-drivers)
> 128 MB ram